Monday, November 25, 2013

Five Flowers Two Deer and One Chipmunk

Here's a photo of my progress on "June's Honeysuckle".
Sunday flew by with lots of different things to do, and not much stitching.  I did manage to work on the border and get five flowers stitched.

Sunday was another frosty morning.
The temperature was 26F at 7:30am.

I did notice that even the deer were frost-coated. 

Poor things sleeping out in the cold.  I guess the frost is proof that they do have a really heavy well-insulated coat at the moment as their body heat did not melt the frost on their spine.

Brrrr.  I'm glad I was safe and warm inside.

I walked down to my sister's Dahlia garden to see who might be eating at the bird feeder she maintains there.  
First up - Chester Chipmunk.

I haven't seen any up at the house since the temperatures dropped.  I thought they'd gone into hibernation - if so, then this guy did not read the memo!
He says he's a rare wild Forest Chipmunk.

Today was to be our last cold day (and night) for a while.  That's just fine with me.


  1. I think you've had enough cold for a while. We are cold here too and I want spring. lol! Love seeing all the visitors.

  2. I love your beautiful frosty pictures! That chipmunk is too adorable! Stay warm!

  3. I'm just catching up on your posts, Beth! It's lovely to see all those frosty photos and the fluffy animals! At least with the frost we've had some bright days!

  4. The frost on the leaves is so pretty. We went past a pasture with cattle this morning and they too had frost on their backs. Another cold day and snow for the afternoon. It's still fall, but winter sure seems to have started.

    Great start on June's Honeysuckle!

  5. At least you are off to a start. I'm glad this very cold weather seems to be leaving. We left out the hummingbird feeder last night and it didn't freeze!

  6. Fabulous frosty photos!! Thanks for sharing! Your stitches look great.

  7. Hi Beth! I am always so amazed at your pictures - they are incredible! I haven't seen any chippies for over a week and we had about 6" snow on Saturday night.
    I cannot tell you how much I love this monthly series (have them all and not one stitched but forever hopeful). Have a great day, Wanda

  8. Ok Beth, your blog title reminded me of the twelve days of Christmas...if you were looking at your back yard or your stitching what would those twelve things be? Probably not the traditional stuff.
    I love your stitching and as always the pics.

  9. That rare wild Forest Chipmunk looks like a squirrel with the tail!! Great leaf photos with the frost! Lovely lovely lovely! Hugs!

  10. That rare wild Forest Chipmunk looks like a squirrel with the tail!! Great leaf photos with the frost! Lovely lovely lovely! Hugs!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.