Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Whooo Knew?

Whooo knew I'd manage to stitch yet another owl before month's end?

Design - "Owl"
Chart - "Autumn Leaves & Sunflower Seeds"
Designer - Blue Ribbon Designs
Fabric - 28 count mystery cream linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 23 November 2013
Completed - 25 November 2013

Our cold spell was supposed to be over, nonetheless it was only 25F Monday morning. During this period of cold weather many of the birds look like fluffy cotton balls.

A buxom female California Quail

A buxom Song Sparrow atop a stalk of Mullein

A portly Chickadee at the feeder in the Dahlia Garden 

A marshmallow  A chunky Chickadee in the thicket near the house

A relatively lean Golden-crowned Sparrow

A plump female Oregon Junco

A pudgy male Orange Shafted Flicker

A rotund Towhee

Even though it has been cold, the days have been sunny and I think we've all enjoyed having a blue blue blue sky.


  1. lol! The chickadee does look like a marshmallow! :D Love your owl finish -- so cute!

  2. I love your stitched owl and your bird photos. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. Another very cute finish. We have had some less than svelte birds the last few mornings.

  4. Who knew there were so many owl charts out there! This one is so cute, Beth...

    Looks like those are some very well-fed and content birds :)

  5. Love the orange shafted flicker; I've not seen one before. I also love the towhees; they are so noisy kicking up leaves to see what they can find.

  6. What a cute owl finish! I like the birds all fluffed up. Hope your weather warms up for you. We still have cold & windy weather here.

  7. Another sweet owl finish!! I always love seeing the birds all puffed up!

  8. Your owl is just adorable! The birds look cute but I feel sorry for them when it is so cold! We had our second am with no frozen hummingbird food.

  9. Sweet owl. You have quite a group( I don't think a group of owls are referred to as a flock, I guess I need to google it :)

  10. A lovely finish. The chickadee looks delightful.

  11. One more owl is fine! We aren't going to see them much longer... Look at all those plumped up birdies! so cute! and fluffy!


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