Sunday, November 24, 2013

Frost Fair

Sunday morning the sun rose to reveal another Frost Fair and temperatures of 22F.

The fountains had icicles and everything was rimed with frost.

I finally saw my Acorn Woodpeckers and they too were puffed up against the cold.

The cold did not deter the Scrub Jays.

They fueled up on peanuts...

...and chattered and squabbled as Jays are wont to do.

The Juncos were some of the first birds at the feeders.

They were followed by the Song Sparrows.
I had a couple of handsome men who were involved in a Song Contest.

I'm not sure which one was declared the winner as both were melodic and cheerful.

Perhaps this Golden-crowned Sparrow acted as the judge. 


  1. Amazing how the birds survive these cold days of winter--lovely photos as always, Beth!

  2. I have come to really look forward to your posts! I keep looking at that next to the last pic ~ there is just something about that one.....

  3. So cold! But so beautiful too. The birds are wonderful -- you take great pictures!

  4. Beautiful photos. Frost can be so pretty.

  5. My fave is the song sparrow, third to last... so sweet! That is quite a frost! Froze the fountain! Solid! It is pretty chilly here too... Not ready!!! I feel like I have pneumonia again... not good! Have a great Thanksgiving! Hugs!

  6. Cold but beautiful!! Those poor birds look so cold. Tomorrow we are setting up a finch feeder. We have not done that in the past. You are my inspiration!

  7. Beautiful pictures Beth!!! I love looking at your plump healthy wildlife. lol I have to go out tomorrow to buy some more food for my critters.. Your blog has inspired me.. I don't know if I will get any pictures.. It was a cold 28 here in central Alabama this morning! I will just enjoy yours!! :)

  8. Beautiful birds! Your 22F would have been a heat wave here. We got up to a very cold 8F.

  9. You always have such wonderful pictures to share. =)


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