Monday, September 30, 2013

Series Sunday

I got out of the habit of working on Cottage Garden Sampling's floral series while I was travelling this summer.  I decided that Sundays would become "Series Sundays" and if on no other day of the week, I'd at least devote some time on Sundays to working on this series.  I stitched the vine on the bottom and the right side of "April's Daisy".  So I'm back on track again.    

"Red in the morning, sailors' warning"
This was our lovely sunrise Friday morning before storm after storm after storm moved in.  I spent Saturday night in a monsoonal deluge watching the University of Oregon football game!

Padma showed more sense and spent the weekend warm and dry.

Most of the birds hunkered down during the storm.

I was pleased to see a nuthatch at the feeders.  They prefer mature forest as habitat and so are infrequent visitors at the feeders.

The winter birds are starting to show up again...

...including this White-crowned Sparrow.

There are lots of Song Sparrows no matter the time of year. 

The Oregon Juncos are more plentiful in the fall and winter.


  1. So are all of your kitty kats recovered from their illnesses?

    Love your kitties, cross stitching and your great photos.

    Thanks for sharing them with us.

  2. It was quite a stormy weekend here too! Rain in sheets at times!

    Looking forward to seeing more of your Series Sunday stitching. The one I see now is very pretty!

  3. The junco looks great when you click on the photo and see it in detail.

  4. Your Garden Series is looking fabulous! Oh, the bird pictures are lovely!

  5. Your cat looks nice and comfortable. I love your CS piece!

  6. Aww your cat looks so cute..I love them all so sweet ❤️
    Pretty stitching xx

  7. I love your little start. That is such a pretty series! I can't believe you went to a football game in that storm. Brave girl! I think your cat had the best idea!

  8. I'm glad you're back to that series. It's so pretty, I was enjoying watching your progress on it. Love the pic of Padma. So flat and comfy looking. lol! Heard about all the rain you got -- yikes!

  9. Padma is definitely awash in rest and relaxation in that picture! Smart boy! You definitely made some progress on the stitching project--congrats! Someday I am going to shout the name of the bird you show BEFORE I read it... someday when I remember one correctly! Hugs!

  10. I have enjoyed seeing this series being stitched. It is very pretty. Gorgeous pics of your bird visitors.

  11. I don't recall ever seeing this series. The border you stitched is beautiful. Looking for to seeing your progress. Love all the nature photos. Hope all your cats are better. love Annette


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