Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sad Sunday & Then There Were Two

Warning: This is a sad post topic. 
I thought long and hard about whether or not I'd write this post.
But I decided that as an admirer of "All Creatures Great and Small" I needed to do so.

Since my return home in late August this Deer Three-some have been almost daily visitors.  As best I can figure out it is a doe with last year's fawn and this year's fawn. Lately much to my worry and dismay they have been hanging out near the road by our driveway.  I've seen them on the other side of the road - so they've crossed back and forth. Narrow curvy rural roads are dangerous for deer.     

On Wednesday morning while I stood near the hedgerow with my camera at the ready, the curious fawn approached me for a closer look.

She was cautiously interested and I did nothing to startle her.
Sadly sometime Thursday morning she was struck and killed by a car near our driveway.  Unfortunately almost every year as autumn approaches we lose one or two deer to vehicular encounters. It still makes me sad.  My mother saw the fallen fawn not long after the accident and said the other two deer stayed close by. Now when I see my Deer Two-some I can't help think of the silly curious fawn.


  1. I have always said I would love to live near all your wildlife...and yet this sadness. I live in city and when a see a dead squirrel ( rats with bushy tails) I think was he at my feeder? and get sad. Your sadness must be unbearable.

  2. Oh Beth, that's so sad. :( Such a beautiful fawn too. There's nothing you can do though. We see deer that have been struck by cars around us too, and it always saddens me.

  3. Oh Beth! How very sad indeed. I hope the little thing died quickly? We see so many deer killed by cars by us also. Heartbreaking it is.

  4. I am so sorry Beth that one of your little deer was killed and I do hope the driver stop.

    I get upset when I see wildlife dead be it a bird, squirrel or a hedgehog they are all beautiful and deserve a place in this lovely world of ours.

    Hazel c uk

  5. So sad! Even though it's part of the "circle of life" and things like this happen, I can only imagine that when you see the same deer so often you can't help but get attached. That fawn looked so sweet.

  6. Oh dear! This is indeed a sad post!

  7. The same thing happens here. I get used to seeing a little family unit, and then one day one is missing and then another. It is very sad, but think of it this way: culling the herd a bit keeps the population down a bit. Not an ideal population control, but...

  8. Oh Beth, how upsetting and sad. When I see animals by the side of the road it upsets me so much to think of what cars do to them - they have no chance really and some drivers just don't slow down.

  9. We get a lot of dead deer by the side of the road. (You don't have to be too rural to get them in these parts--I've seen them walking down the sidewalk in my suburb. Nine miles from the city.) It is very upsetting. :(

  10. Oh my! That IS so sad... I know when I see a 'squirrel fritter' I think about the family wondering what happened. And pet dogs... some child is wondering what happened to Fido. Sad... sad... sad...


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