Tuesday, October 1, 2013

During and After the Storm

I'm still sorting through my UK trip stuff and I found this Homespun Elegance stitch.  I began it back in August.  Now I have to figure out how to finish it.  I don't like the wobbly wording as it is charted...what to do? 

Many of you have kindly asked about how the Cats of Clos du Bois are faring.
For all outward appearances, Solomon is quite well. He is still on morphine for his sore throat.  We tried to wean him off it early last week and he started drooling and gagging; so back on morphine he went.  We are going to try to wean him off the morphine again mid-week.  He is pretty skinny as he lost a lot of weight, but in all other respects he is back to his usual loud annoying self.

Padma (on the left) is the one who is now a bit under the weather.  We think he has the beginnings of a sore throat, so we've switched him to moist food only.  He is a bit quieter than normal, but we hope that he manages to skirt most of the issues that 'dogged' his father and brother earlier on.
Parvati (middle) seems back to normal, as does Tom-Cat (right).  So here's hoping the end is in sight!   

Even with the stormy weekend weather, the deer still felt the weather mild enough to bed down and rest a spell.

It's nice to have Chickadees back again.

They like sunflowers and peanuts.

This hummingbird sought shelter under our front porch during the stormy gray days of the past weekend.

I managed a much better (and more colorful) photo of this female Rufous Hummingbird. The Rufous Hummingbirds should begin migrating within a week or two.  I never manage to notice the exact day they are gone, instead after several days I finally realize I've not seen them in a while. 


  1. sweet stitches..
    pretty photos..
    have a lovely day
    hugs x

  2. Hope Padma isn't getting sick. :( I also hope poor Solomon will be weened off morphine soon and will be back to his old self. Lovely stitching -- not sure what you should do about the wording. Maybe chart your own version with a new alphabet?

  3. Glad to see they are all slowly getting better. WHEW.

    Maybe a small scissors fob for the bee? Square pillow & twisted cord?

  4. I'm glad the crew are back on the mend. No fun having sick fur-babies.

    I agree with Melanie, I can see the bee as a scissor fob.

  5. Glad the kitties are feeling better and hope Padma doesn't get sick now.

    Love all the birds pics!

  6. So glad the cats are better. Beautiful photo of the rufous. I love the chickadees! It just might be time to put out our feeder. It is on the deck and I think our deck days are pretty much over. My dahlias took a real beating form the last two storms!

  7. I love the photo of all 3 of your fur-babies sitting on their chairs. Solomon does look much better. Poor Padma - hope they don't get any worse. The birds are so pretty. And that deer resting for a spell - too cute. love Annette

  8. Love it how your cats have chairs all to themselves. Great photo! Also love the Rufous Hummingbird one, just a beautiful coloured bird.


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