Saturday, September 28, 2013

Soggy Saturday

Weather - what ya' gonna' do?  
The first Oregon football game (August 31st) was in the sweltering heat, the one tonight will be in a monsoon. Water off a duck's back, right? (That's a humorous reference to the University of Oregon Ducks if you don't follow college sports).

As always the cats think a rainy day is a perfect Nap Day.

It's hard to argue with that philosophy.
Everyone is getting ready for autumn - in their own way.

This gal looks so innocent - yet look at all the chomped plants just to her left.
Cause and effect?

This bunny was enjoying the last of the sunshine before the rain moved in.
He's so content he's half asleep.

I hope you enjoy your weekend.


  1. I suppose I would compare myself to the squirrel this weekend. I too will be doing some running around "going nuts". ;)

  2. Oh, they're all so cute! Wonderful photo of Mr. Squirrel :)

    We are having the best weather week of the past six months here in the east--I'm loving it...

  3. Sorry about the weather for your poor Ducks. :D Too bad they're not really ducks. The cats look very contented! Love the pics of the other wildlife too.

  4. Sorry about the weather for your poor Ducks. :D Too bad they're not really ducks. The cats look very contented! Love the pics of the other wildlife too.

  5. Your cat looks very contented! Love the little rabbit as well. That is one animal that, so far, we haven't had in our garden.

  6. wish I was a cat...lounging around... enjoying the weather... not a worry... and NO ONE asking me to do anything!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.