Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Short and Sweet

It's closing in on midnight here, so this will be short and sweet.
Last night an intense thunderstorm woke us up about 1:30am.   Lightening flashed, thunder boomed, and the rain poured down sideways.  I had every hope that today would be a cool and cloudy day.  Instead it was once again hot and muggy... 

The headlines of the newspapers were all about the newest member of the Royal Family.  There was a gun salute scheduled today and the bells at Westminster Abbey were to ring for several hours this afternoon.

We headed off to Paddington Station this morning.  I wonder how many children plead with their parents to go into this shop before boarding a train. 
We took a train to Windsor...

Windsor is home to a number of great pillarboxes including this Queen Victoria in a most usual color.

Windsor is also home to a rather wonderful castle!  More about that in tomorrow's post.

With the hot weather, it seemed like this was another day where consumption of ice cream was mandatory.

Late in the afternoon we walked part of the Long Walk behind the castle.  I heard a flock of feral parakeets and finally found them eating away at a group of bird feeders.

I'll end today's post with another unusually colored pillarbox and the promise to do better tomorrow.  Good night!


  1. I was thinking about you! What an exciting time to be in England!

  2. Oh wow! That storm sounds a bit scary! Too bad it was still hot and humid. Love seeing all the pics. Can't wait to see more on Windsor. :D

  3. I loved that you got to hear the bells ringing for the new royal birth. I can't wait to see your tour of Windsor Castle. love Annette

  4. My sister who lives on the edge of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire said it had been one of the worst thunderstorms she had known - she also said she was struggling with the heat and humidity yesterday. She loves hot weather so I know it must be pretty bad when she's complaining.

  5. was out in that storm walking Master Bentley ... how cool to hear the gun salute and the bells too ... Love the castle shot and those pillar boxes are fab :)
    not sure whether is has cooled down any tbh .... ice cream sure does look good :) love mouse xxxxxx

  6. Lovely update :) I can't wait to see more.

  7. First thing I did when I got home and heard the announcement/presentation was check your blog to see if you had gone there to be a part of it! Even my husband was wondering... I am not a fan of loud storms but they don't always wake me! Imagine! Look forward to reading about Windsor Castle! Hugs!

  8. Isn't she just beautiful! I love this happy news.

  9. Oh my! I had no idea they had feral parakeets. How cool!

  10. Yes it is good news about the royal baby GEORGE and hope you saw some of the excitement. Can imagine they will be swamped with baby presents.

    The parakeets are becoming a nuisance in some parts of the UK they scare the little birds away from the feeders, I know of friends who have them in their gardens..

    Sorry you had the storm fortunately we do not get many.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Blue pillarboxes, very nice. I think I like them better than the red ones.


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