Monday, July 22, 2013

It's A Boy!

We just watched a bit of the live coverage on the BBC.  The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are now the parents of a baby boy.  I wonder how many extra issues of newspapers will be sold tomorrow?  I'll take a photo or two of the front pages.

This morning we set off from King's Cross on the 8:03am Eastern service to Wakefield.  This is the Full English Breakfast Mom and I enjoyed as we watched the countryside go by. 

Our destination today was the Yorkshire town of Wakefield.
One of the first things I saw upon arriving was this 'crochet bomb".

On my paternal side, I can trace back family several generations to the Wakefield area.  My great great grandparents had a bakery and confectionery shop on Kirkgate near the cathedral.

I spent several productive hours at the Wakefield branch of the West Riding Archives looking at Deed Registers.  My family had property transactions with the Duke of Leeds! 

And here's the cathedral.  It's hard to get a good photo as it is surrounded first by trees, then by shops.

The 247 foot spire is the most dominate feature and makes it the tallest church in Yorkshire.

Construction of this building began in 1150, and drug on in fits and starts until 1440. The ceilings are eye-popping and all date back to the 15th century.  

The five bay quire contains 25 magnificent stalls with misericords and carved animals. It was paid for by Sir Thomas Savil in 1482 in celebration of his marriage to Margaret Bosworth.  I hope they had a long and happy marriage. The collage (2 below) has a photo of one of the carved animals.


If you look closely at the collage you can see that Queen Elizabeth visited for a Maundy service in 2005. 

It was moving to walk about the cathedral knowing that generations of my family were baptised and married here.

By the beginning of the 19th century, most of the members of my 'Wakefield Folk' lived in the village of Stanley. They would have worshipped at St. Peters after it was consecrated in 1824.

My people were mostly stone masons and lived on a winding lane called Bottom Boat. 

There was a ferry across the Calder near Bottom Boat.  My stone mason relatives would have appreciated easy access to water and transportation of their stonework.

Bottom Boat and Lane's End made for a rough and tumble area.  Historically it was populated mostly by miners who worked in the nearby collieries. Even now it still appears to be very much a blue-collar neighborhood.


  1. How great it is for you to visit a place that holds so much of your family's history. I think the news will be saturated for the next few weeks with baby talk. The media take it to a new level these days.

  2. That's pretty cool, I have to say. To be able to even walk the street where your ancestors lived. Wow! And hooray for the Prince of Cambridge! :D I watched on TV of course!

  3. Wow! I would love to walk where my Irish Ancestors walked... if I could pin it down. And of course, take a slow boat over! Hugs!

  4. How fascinating and exciting to learn of your great great grandparents had a bakery and confectionery shop! Wouldn't you love to have a recipe they used? So cool. So wonderful that you and your mom are in London for the birth of the newest royal baby. Loved our tour today:) Heard from the news that it was the hottest day yet in London. I thought of you and your mom. love Annette

  5. How wonderful to visit these places and to connect with all those generations past. That is my type of breakfast! So did church bells ring yesterday for the birth?

  6. How wonderful to visit these important family places.
    And such exciting days to be in London!

  7. That is wonderful that you know so much about your ancestors, Beth! And even more wonderful that you get to visit their towns... Lovely photos as always--are you getting homesick at all?

  8. Beth, I was thinking of you yesterday when I watched the news and saw that the new Prince has arrived! It must be quite interesting to be over there amidst the buzz of it all!

    How great to be able to visit the areas where your ancestors came from. Do you ever think of moving there, I wonder?

  9. Good to read you have visited where your ancestors lived.

    London must be buzzing with all the excitement of the new baby.

    Hope the thunderstorms have not worried you.

    Hazel c uk

  10. coooo first time I have seen inside the Wakefield Church ... simply lovely and fascinating to find out all that stuff about your family and to be able to walk down the streets too ...
    love the crochet bomb some one has a lot of time on their hands
    ta for the breakfast too :) love mouse xxxxx

  11. It is wonderful that you are getting to see so many places your family came from. The Churches have been so amazing to see. Thanks again. We are home and the garden looks good, thank goodness the watering system worked as we had not one drop of water all the time we were gone!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.