Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Windsor Revisited

It's still July...
I'm still stitching, so I thought I'd work on one last Patriotic Stitch.

Tuesday morning Queen Victoria greeted us and the thousands of other tourists who flocked to Windsor Castle that morning. I counted 63 large buses in the parking lot by 10:00am.
I wonder what Victoria would think of all the hoopla surrounding the birth of her newest great-great-great-great-great grandson, George Alexander Louis. The baby will be known as His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge.

Windsor is immense and does a pretty good job of swallowing up the visiting masses - so it does not become wall to wall people.

The castle was built in the 11th century after the Norman Invasion.  Since the time of Henry I it has been used by each succeeding monarch, and thus is the longest occupied palace in Europe.  Queen Elizabeth II spends most weekends here.

Many monarchs have had a hand in building or restoring the castle.  Queen Elizabeth II put her stamp on Windsor after a devastating fire in 1992.
About 150 people live at Windsor, many of them in Horseshoe Cloister.
We toured the magnificent State Apartments including the Waterloo Chamber where State Dinners are held.  We also looked in at Queen Mary's Doll House and Marianne and France, the dolls Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose were given as young girls.
I thought this might be a very interesting job.  I wonder what the qualifications are...

St. George and the Dragon are in plaques and emblems all over the castle.
This is in part because the chapel is named St George's Chapel.  The College of St George was founded in 1348 by Edward III, and the chapel is the spiritual home of the Order of the Garter. Each year the Queen installs new members of the Order.  Prince William is a recent member.
This statue is in the courtyard of the Cloisters.
Here are some of the many interesting motifs that adorn the exterior walls of the chapel.
The Long Walk in Windsor's Great Park is a 'Great Secret'.  The entrance is a short walk, but most people don't appear to know about it.  We walked part of the Long Walk - that's the castle w...a..y off in the distance!

We passed this group of doors on our way to the park.

This is Windsor's famous 'Crooked House'.
I must say that Windsor had some awesome pillar postboxes too.
Later in the evening, we met up with relatives for a leisurely visit and wonderful Italian dinner in Maidenhead.  What a great end to a super day.


  1. Queen Victoris hated babies, despite having lots of them herself - she had quite a shocking attitude towards children actually... so it's best she's not around for the new addition to the family. I found all the hype way over the top myself actually - royals are at their most UNinteresting when they're babies, and only worthy of attention when they're up and about doing stuff :-)
    Great pictures of Windsor, it's a wonderful place, all of it.

  2. Another exciting day for you both and one of my favourite shopping towns especially at Christmas.

    Must keep a look out for all those pillar boxes - thank you.

    Nice you could meet up with family.

    Where to tomorrow I wonder?

    Hazel c UK

  3. I loved the statue you shared with us. The little Prince in this household is Henry. ;)

  4. A great place to visit once again Beth, things will be getting busier as the English schools should now be on holiday too. I've been to Maidenhead a few times - my sister in law used to live there - she now lives in California:-)

  5. So cool to see Windsor Castle!!! I wonder how the Queen can be there with so many tourists around -- doesn't it drive her crazy? Thanks for sharing as usual!

  6. Quite a LONGGG walk there Beth! What a really lovely Castle and grounds...and what a great time to be in England! And I LOVE that new chart... off to search for it! Hugs!

  7. What a beautiful castle and grounds. I loved the photo of the doors and the crooked house-so interesting! It sounds like you had another wonderful day!

  8. Yours is a new-to-me blog that I am enjoying so much. Your photographs are stunning. I'm a follower now so I can keep up with everything.

  9. It's a fascinating, fascinating place. And soooooooooooo big.

    I watched a program on PBS last night about Hampton Court. I hope you get to go back there and take a visit of the inside. The tapestries and great rooms are amazing. (Less amazing, but still interesting, was the loo that survives from 500 years ago. Apparently it still, uh, smells.)


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