Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sigh About Rye and High Eye Oh My

I thought and thought about a name for this post.  I hope you appreciate my craziness creativity.

Design - "Souvenir de France" (freebie)
Designer - Blackbird Designs
Fabric - unknown
Fibers - Sajou Cotton - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 10 June 2013
Completed - 23 June 2013

Okay, let's catch up on Tuesday.

The east Sussex countryside is very pretty.  Lots of grazing sheep and interesting homes.  Look closely at the collage - you can see a field of red poppies, monstrously large white windmill, and two thatched cottages. 

Before we returned to London, we strolled around the ancient town of Rye. Rye is old, old, old - it was an important harbor in Roman times. The oldest buildings in Rye is Ypres Tower (above), which was built in 1249 to defend the town from the French. 

In the 13th century the flow of the river Rother changed and Rye was suddenly two miles inland. Then the sea and the river combined in about 1375 to destroy the eastern part of the town and ships began use the current area (the Strand) to unload their cargoes. Two years later the town was sacked and burnt by the French, and it was ordered that the town walls be completed,as a defence against foreign raiders.  Rye was considered one of the finest of the Cinque Ports even though constant work had to be done to stop the gradual silting-up of the river and the harbour. 

St Mary's Church

The churchyard

There are so many wonderful old buildings in Rye.

This is Mermaid Street - a quaint cobblestone street with building after building from the 1400's.

Maybe this collage will give you an idea of the number and variety of historic homes and businesses.

This charming pink home is the Rectory - right next to St Mary's.

Rye has lace-covered windows, and rose-covered doorways, and secret little gardens, and charming shops. 

Most unusually nearly every old (or should I say ancient) home has a personalized ceramic name-plate. What a great place to walk about and soak up the atmosphere.

Now, if you are still with me, on to today's adventures.

We decided to 'do' the London Eye today.  On our walk from Waterloo Station to the Eye, we passed by four somber memorials to the many railroad employees who lost their lives in WWI.  We also walked by an amusing large faux topiary, two street buskers, and the Jubilee Garden.  Across the river: the Houses of Parliament and Charing Cross Station.

After standing in a very long, but fast moving line, we boarded the Eye. 

Up we went, slowly and smoothly.

From on high we could see the Battersea Power Station, the Thames, The Shard, and crane after crane as London is always under construction.
The BT Tower, St. Paul's, Waterloo Station, Charing Cross Station, the Treasury and Foreign Office were visible.  The last row of the collage shows Parliament, Westminster Abbey, and Buckingham Palace.

Kudos to my Mom who does not much care for heights, but gamely came along for the ride nonetheless.

Our last stop today, was Liberty's - they always have wonderful displays of flowers for sale. We came one year in February near Valentine's Day and the flowers were out of this world.

Liberty's is a treasure-trove with a souq-like atmosphere.  Persian carpets, Moroccan fountains, Tibetan chests, Indian statues, and Egyptian lanterns.  Where else can you find all that under one roof? 

I am a huge fan of Liberty prints so I oohed and aahed at all the lovely fabrics displayed in their haberdashery department.  I bought four pretty hankies as I so admired the colors and patterns.


  1. Today's post seems surreal to me Beth! Wow! I love the pink rectory. ;) So many gorgeous wonders.

  2. Very English countryside Beth, there are some beautiful places to visit - lots of the villages are very "chocolate box" and "jigsaw box" which is so pretty. You're braver than I am - I don't think the London Eye is for me.

  3. Ok, how could you resist not buying more Liberty fabrics? I would have gone nuts in there! lol! I love Liberty Tana Lawn fabrics. Sigh. How fantastic that you went to Rye and went up on the Eye!!! So much fun to follow your adventures and see everything. And to hear the history too! Sigh. Wonderful!

  4. I am so glad you did the eye, the views are fantastic, Rye is a lovely place, you are showing England at it's best.

  5. ooooooo love Rye :) and well done to mum for going up in the eye ... I don't mind heights just can't look down and well done on the finish as well..... sooo have you found a piece to do to remember your trip here to do yet ??? love mouse xxxxx

  6. I saw Elizabeth Bradley in your photo:)))) How cool and I love it! Thank you Beth, I think you took that photo for me:)
    Rye looks amazing from your photos, love the ceramic plates on those incredible old houses. Congrats on your finishing Souvenir France. Another wonderful say you and your mom had, especially Liberty's store. love Annette

  7. Wonderful, I look forward to your trip update every day :)

  8. So many wonderful, wonderful things in this post!!!
    I can't imagine being able to live in such a magical, charming little place like that. To be able to walk that everyday would be amazing and I would never get tired of it, I'm sure. The little ceramic name plates are just the icing on the cake.
    Fantastic photos of London but they make my stomach quiver just a little. Don't like heights. :)

  9. Lovely finish! And I really enjoyed your mosaics, especially the views of London.

  10. These pictures are glorious, Beth--I love Rye, and the ceramic home name plates, and the fantastic market at the end of the post!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.