Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Great Dixter A Great Garden

I'm happy so Homespun Elegance's "Bee Happy" is a perfect new stitch for me.

Today we took the Underground to St. Pancras, then a high-speed train to Ashford International.  We switched to another train to Rye.  In Rye we took a local bus to Northiam, and at Northiam we walked 1/2 mile to Great Dexter.  

Great Dixter was the home and garden of Christopher Lloyd.  Oh the house, I fell in love with the house.  It has the largest medieval Hall in all of England.

Even the great barn is over 500 years old, though the oast house is a 19th century late-comer.  Love, love, love this house!

The gardens are divided into garden rooms as are so many great British gardens.

There were lots of signs of gardeners hard at work.
And dachshunds dozing!

A new feature - the extensive wildflower meadows. 

Very pretty and filled with orchids.

Some of the areas of the garden are a study in green.

Many different shades of green.

There are lots of hedges and topiary features.

Some of the garden rooms burst with plants.

Herring Gull, Blackbird, White Wagtail, baby Coot
Coots, Rook, Great Tits, and a Swallow
And lots of birds too.  Is that a Rook on the bottom row 2nd from the left?
That's what I think.

The house, did I say I love the house?

Look at the contrast of the the wavy roof juxtaposed with the straight line of the hedges.

Here the use of plant-filled pots creates added 'umph' to the border behind it.

This is my favorite plant combo - the golden hops and the blue and yellow lupine.

The long border is very well named.

Lots of wonderful plants.
A wonderful day that included a walk around the ancient town of Rye.  I'll post about that tomorrow. 


  1. I've never been to Rye but my parents went years ago and my mum loved it. It sounds like you really enjoyed your day and saw many of the things you like - especially the house:-)

  2. Wow! Gorgeous gardens and blooms. The largest medieval hall in England? I would of loved to have seen that. I love you new project - "Bee Happy". love Annette

  3. ooooooo scrumptious .... love the house the flowers the stitching (got this one too ) and would have loved to have pottered round with you here ... and yes think it is a rook or a crow .... love mouse xxxxx

  4. That house is amazing. What gorgeous gardens. I am so glad that you are having good weather for your days out.

  5. What a beautiful house! The gardens are so pretty too. There seems to be an abundance of pretty gardens in England.

    Your new project is great also.

  6. Your wonderful day looks like it was worth the extensive travels.

  7. Oh so pretty! I love that house too! I was just saying this morning how it would be so neat to live in a country where you could be in a house that was hundreds of years old.

  8. Such gorgeous photos of birds and blooms, Beth! I'm sure you were very inspired on your visit to Great Dexter...

    Your newest WIP is so cute--did you take all your stitching with you or are you buying it over there?

  9. What a wonderful house and the gardens too! I would love to be among homes and buildings that are that old. A cute new stitch.

  10. You just have to love those old English houses - even the chimneys are wonderful.

  11. That house is truly amazing, gorgeous rooflines, and look at those cool watering cans! Also really like the plants in containers in front of the border--that's a neat idea.

  12. Oh my goodness that plump little weenie dog!!
    The roofs are just gorgeous. So much character and charm.


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