Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sissinghurst - A Little Look at a Lovely Garden

I've begun my latest stitch - am loving the colors of this Homespun Elegance piece.

Today Mom and I had the pleasure of visiting Sissinghurst Castle.
As I'm tired after a long day, I'm not going to do the garden justice with this post.  Let's consider this to be a 'teaser' and I'll write in more detail about the garden tomorrow.
First off there is an amazing house...

...and if that weren't enough there is an Elizabethan tower.

Does it go without saying that there were great brick walls awash in roses?

One thing Sissinghurst does extremely well is create garden rooms that then tantalize you with a glimpse of yet another room.

Not all the paths are axis straight either.

The meadows have wandering paths mown in them. 

I found I was always looking at what was in front of me as well as peaking at what was to come.

If you don't have 15 foot brick walls, how about a 15 foot yew hedge to function in the same way?

Brick walls and roses...ahhh....

Peaking into another room...

A classical statue hidden in the middle of the 'nuttery'.

Perfectly sited plantings.

Wonderful plantings

The geometry is so pleasing to the eye.

Everything invites one to explore.

Never have I seen as many folks with art supplies - drawing and painting. 

Love this black wooden door.

Another perfectly framed vista.

And an extra 'punch' provided by this invitingly open blue gate. 

Brick arches and yet more roses...

Doesn't this pathway beckon you to go further still?

Sissinghurst is a great place for people and for dogs!


  1. Oh wow!!!! I read some novel or other that was set in these gardens -- done by Vita Sackville-West, right? Sooooo coooooool!!!! Love the brick walls with roses!

  2. This is on my bucket list. What a place. Pretty stitching

  3. drooling at your visit here ....simply gorgeous ... would have loved to have meandered in and out of the garden "rooms" and love that tower too ... :) love mouse xxxx

  4. This post got two "wow"'s from me, then I could only try to keep my jaw from getting broken on my keyboard! That is one lovely place! And this post was when you are tired--can't wait for the next one, when you have fully rested! Wow! (oops, three...) Hugs!

  5. Another fab vacation post. It's a vacation right? You haven't moved there permanently?

  6. Beautiful! I look forward to seeing more pictures!

  7. A lovely post Beth, so many beautiful photos to enjoy. The dog at the end of your post made me smile.

  8. Wow, what an amazing place. The buildings and the gardens.. looks like my idea of heaven.

  9. GORGEOUS!!! Tell me about the tower please!

  10. Wonderful photos, I love that wooden door, like a secret garden. You seem to be lucky with your weather too.You and your Mom must fall asleep as soon as your heads hit the pillow, I would be exhausted.

  11. Love all the green in your shots - it's England at its best. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Another beautiful post ...sigh wish I was there!

  13. You are getting the coolest animal shots, Beth! Love the bird and dog, and that blue metal gate--lovely! And how nice to see artists at work in the garden.


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