Monday, May 13, 2013

My Weekend Report

Poppies in mid-May!  I don't think they've ever bloomed this early before.

And this penstemon - I love the blue color.

On Saturday my Mom and I went to the Avid Gardeners' Plant Sale. 

Wonderful conifers...

...and salvias and lavender.

Daylilies and columbine.

Then we trotted over to the Farmers' Market.

Here's the sign.

Here's the crop.


Strawberries in mid-May!

Cooking ideas

Fresh asparagus

We finished our expedition at Down to Earth.
Isn't this the neatest wall planting?

Okay, I don't can produce, but who can resist these pretty blue Ball canning jars?  I can see them arranged down the center of a long table filled with pretty flowers...

... like these.

A good day!


  1. That last bouquet is just gorgeous! I love, love, love your poppies!!

  2. Lovely flowers and vegetables! You are lucky to have the chance to go to this.

  3. Aww so much fun..lovely flowers..and vegetables...
    Big hugs x

  4. Love your poppies -- such a pretty color! What a lovely garden market you went to as well! I couldn't resist the blue Ball jars either. I had to get some. lol!

  5. Beth, our poppies are blooming here right now, too, and I did a double take! But everything has been so mixed up this Spring. I even saw two azalea species bloom two weeks apart! Insanity! =)

  6. I have Ball Canning jars as my vases on my dining room table. LOVE THEM! So I concur about your vision!

  7. Been seeing many bloggers talking about the blue canning jars... an anniversary edition. Gotta find me some too! Love the color of those poppies. Being from California, their shape is very familiar, tho they were always a golden color! And artichokes ALWAYS reminds me of our garden cause we grew them! And I had to weed them! Hugs!

  8. The earliest we see poppies is usually June. I love the mixed shades of purple in your final photo.

  9. What a wonderful way to spend the week-end!! I love that blue Penstemon. I don't think I have seen it.

  10. Wow, wow, wow--that was a perfect gardener's weekend, Beth! I love small conifers, and those early potatoes--really super early--they must have planted in February!

  11. What a fun day! Shhh, don't tell our farmers -- those new potatoes are double what we pay for them here.

  12. Such great photos!!!
    I almost bought some of those blue Ball jars just because they are SO pretty. We do use them for the honey we keep for ourselves (rest goes in plastic jars for easier selling) but I feel like the amber color wouldn't look so hot with the blue? Bah, I just want a few anyway. lol


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