Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Sunny Mothers' Day

The weather has been so nice of late that the cats are dining al fresco in the evening.

Not to be outdone by the Acorn Woodpeckers, this Pileated flew in for a closer  look.

I was greeted by four chipmunks upon my arrival to the Big Bird Feeder. 

They were pleased to have a fresh supply of sunflower seeds.

A Lesser Goldfinch with a couple of non-lesser Goldfinches.

A female Flicker at the Big Bird Feeder.

It's Mothers' Day. 

Let's enjoy all the lovely flowers on display at the Farmers' Market.

My favorite floral stand makes the prettiest bouquets.  

I don't know how anyone chooses just one.



  1. Have the kitties picked out something special for you for Mother's Day? Maybe one of those pretty bouquets? Love those cheery goldfinch photos! Enjoy your day, Beth :)

  2. I hope puss with the Elizabethan collar isn't poorly Beth. Happy Mother's Day from Scotland.

  3. Great photos! We are cool and cloudy today. I'm very excited, a friend gave me an Itoh peony 3 years ago. It was just a little guy.(They were $90 here for a big one) Today it has 6 big buds. I guess patience is a virtue!

  4. Oh oh, I see an E-collar...

    We're supposed to have temps in the low 30's tonight. So much for the wives tale of planting the garden on Mother's Day.

    Hope you had a great Mother's Day with enjoyable weather!


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