Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Weekly Walk - Part One

As we approach mid-month, the world is an explosion of green.
Let's take a long, leisurely walk and check it out.

Are you going to join us Mr. Bunny, Mr. Quail?

The Pacific Ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus) is in bloom.

There are tall stands of Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) along both side of the Big Creek.  The fruit is dark red or purple to black and an important source of food for many birds.  

The low growing Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) is growing happily along the banks of the Big Creek along with the Chokecherries and Vine Maple.

One of the last trees to leaf out, the bright green leaves of the Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana) are worth the wait.

The fronds of the Sword Fern (Polystichum munitum) have unfurled and the plants are clean and bright green once again.

The ditch across from our driveway is a sea of Camas (Camassia quamash).  Last year I caught someone digging them up, as they sell for $6-$8 a plant.  I persuaded them to desist.  

Here's a plant with a funny name - False Bugbane (Trautvetteria caroliniensis).  It likes shady, moist areas.  This was growing along side a natural seep.

The Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus) is a common low-growing shrub.  If you are into Latin you'll know from the word rubus, that it will produce fruit.  The fruit resembles raspberries.  

This is one of my favorite delicate Spring beauties.  It's the Northern Inside out Flower (Vancouveria hexandra) - another shade lover.

It's a rather gray morning, there's only one turtle on the Quarry Pond log.  But look who else is here!  A big old Bullfrog!
There must be a half a dozen or more different wild peas blooming now.  I like this one best.

Back and forth I go - is it Snowbrush or Ocean Spray...

Scotch Broom is an invasive non-native and is considered a noxious weed.  We battle it constantly on our property.  Most of the plants have bright yellow flowers, some have yellow touched with red, but this combination is unusual and pretty too. 

This is Oregon Checkermallow (Sidalcea oregana).

This is Rose Checkermallow (Sidalcea malviflora ssp virgata). The two kinds of Mallow were growing side-by-side. I find them on a bank at the edge of the road.

There's more to see - we'll continue our walk tomorrow.


  1. So sweet..have a lovely day x

  2. Broom's a bit of a pest over here too. It has a tendency to take over. The Checkermallow is so delicate and pretty - I've never heard of it.

  3. Have you ever had thimbleberry jam? If you can find it, I've heard it's very expensive.

  4. Thanks for the lovely walk. Such pretty flowers. Love the bullfrog.

  5. I always enjoy the lovely walks!! You are helping me learn the names of some of the wild flowers I see. The wind was terrible yesterday, we lost power for 4-5 hours, could have been worse. All our trees survived but they did loose a few branches.

  6. What a beautiful update(they all are!!). Happy Wednesday :)

  7. You always take the best walks, Beth! I love the rabbit and quail together at the start--they look like they have big plans to do something :) And you are a wealth of information when it comes to the names of all these plants and birds--I still have a long way to go in that regard, so I appreciate that in your posts. Now hopefully it will warm up so I can get back out into the garden!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.