Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy May Day

A new month, a new blog header!
See if you can figure out the over-arching theme for May.
I'll post the details later this week.

It's the first of May and the world is green, green, green.
Let's take a walk. 

The Vine Maple leaves are so pretty - all crinkled as they begin to unfold.

I think this is when the Corn Lilies are at their prettiest.   When they are young plants, rather than when they bloom. 

Horsetails are old, old, old plants.  Ancient really, they could have been dinosaur food.

I like how the light plays on the under canopy of the forest.

It's easy to see why the new fronds of the Sword Ferns are called "fiddle heads". 

This is a telling picture.  All the exposed rocks so early in the year.  The Big Creek is running low - a sign of just how little rain we've had this past Winter.

This plant looks pretty with its bright shiny leaves.
Oh-oh - it's Poison Oak!

The Lupin are sending up flower stalks... is the Cow's Parsley.

This delicate, lacy fern is called Lady Fern (Athyrium filix-femina).  It likes very moist conditions - I found  it growing along side a small rivulet.  

I'm not sure what this plant is - I just like the contrasting shapes and shades of green. 

A Columbia Lily - I hope the deer don't eat it.

More shades of green - dark green mossy rocks, bright green Vine Maple.

A large Vine Maple.

The white flowers of the Dogwood light up the forest.

A humble pea of some sort.
I wonder how many shades of green we took in during our walk today...


  1. Ahh, thank you for the walk, so nice to see the earth coming back to life (except maybe for the poison ivy)

  2. Another stunning header - well done!

  3. It's all about the letters Beth, I like to see alphabets stitched but I truly don't enjoy stitching them. Our lupins are way behind those ones.

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! My jaw literally dropped when I saw your header...this is spectacular. Love love love it! Now to go look at it in even more detail ..such fun.

  5. Such sweet header..
    Big hugs x

  6. Thanks for the walk. Now for the header, first, it is beautiful. Are you doing the different aspects of a year?

  7. So much green! And so many alphabets in your header! Beautiful! (How do you make a header like that?)

    It sure seemed like you had alot of rain earlier this year. How much rainfall is normal for your area?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.