Thursday, May 2, 2013

Road Tip

I spent a most pleasant day yesterday on a road trip with my Mom.
We headed north to Corvallis, Oregon to visit Friendship Crossing. 

I love the way Ann has put together her LNS.

Her displays are very creative.

She has lots of stitched examples.

This one continues to amaze me.
That is one BAP!

The building is cool too - see the brick walls? 

More frames...

Ann artfully displays the smaller charts in wicker baskets.

A good selection of threads.

A nice visual lesson in how the color of fabric and floss can impact the look of the finished stitch!

After shopping (yes I added to my stash), we ate lunch at New Morning Bakery.  Yum!
What a great day.


  1. Looks like we should road trip together sometime. Your road trip looks a lot like my recent one. LOL!

  2. Great place, thanks for sharing!

  3. I'd love to go there. It looks like a stitcher's Heaven.

  4. aww super place..
    big hugs x

  5. Stitching and sweets--looks like my kind of road trip, too!! I can see why you enjoyed it so much, Beth :)

  6. How fun! I wish I had a nearby LNS. I could spend hours just admiring everything.

    The bakery looks scrumptious! I'll take one of each, please, lol.

  7. I enjoyed seeing the photos from your trip, it looks like my kind of day out. I noticed in one of the photos there was an old La D Da design that I stitched a long time ago - it's called Angel Cat.

  8. What a great day for you and your mom. Glad you took pictures.

  9. There are a few things here that I`d like to sink my teeth into: that redwork BAP and then the cakes, in alphabetical order...

  10. Ah, that's my kind of day. lol! Looks like a great shop!

  11. Sounds like a perfect day!!!! I'm making note of that shop in case we get down that way.

  12. It looks like a great place to shop. I'm jealous. Nothing like that around here, like, anywhere. :(


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