Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stitching Borders Garden Borders

There's so much to do and not enough time to do it. 
And thus my stitching time day after day is next to nil. 
I have managed to get in a little bit of stitching on "April's Daisy".  The border grows... 

We've had lovely day after lovely day and the Outdoors has been my main venue of late.  

There is a local glass artist who makes wonderful things including this glass flower. 

A word to the wise:  Nice days in April do NOT mean it is yet time to  plant warm weather crops!  The soil is still too cold.  I bought an ornament sweet potato vine in early April and oh it has suffered through several frosty mornings - its response - it has lost most of its leaves. 

I have a couple of these fern fronds - they've weathered the cold morning temperatures just fine. 

We do have some Iris blooming.

I've had this Lewisia for three years now and am pleased it is blooming.

More glass art - I love this dragonfly panel.

Here's a first for me: Three over-wintered Auriculas all in bloom!

I love the blue fern-filled pots on my rustic picnic bench.

My darling little glass Ladybug.
Evey garden needs beneficial insects, right?

So I also have plenty of bees in my garden too.

I'm not sure if my Blue Bugs are beneficial or not...

And what's a garden without a cat? 

The cats do not like dragonflies as they will bite if bothered.

This is my Guardian Grasshopper.

My latest garden motif - mushroom!


  1. You have such a wonderful garden! Beautiful plants and lovely garden decorations to boot!

  2. A lovely mix of garden art Beth, I know what you mean about finding time to craft.

  3. Ooooh I love glass work!!! That little flower is just perfect, what a find! Your stitching is growing nicely x

  4. The pretty border is shaping up nicely. What gorgeous garden decorations!

  5. Pretty border stitching..
    Beautiful garden decorations xxx

  6. All of your garden art is just wonderful . I love that ladybug especially!!

  7. Such pretty garden ornaments. Stitching can sometimes seem slow but the process can be so relaxing and lovely.

  8. I love all the glass art! And the flowers, and all the other garden decorations you have.

  9. Your garden art is gorgeous! And this has been a really early year for irises to bloom--this has been the earliest that I ever remember them blooming in my garden, although I still have several yet to bloom.

  10. Oooo, a bee! Love him. Though the kitty stone is my second fav. :)


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