Saturday, May 11, 2013

Mean While Back at the Quarry Pond...

On a sunny day...

...three turtles and a duck..., three turtles and two ducks share a log.  

Until one turtle decided...

...that there were too many ducks on the log.

So he slowly and ponderously...

...walked ever closer to the duck...


...he shoved one duck into the water.
And moved on to remove Duck #2!

I hope you can share your enjoyment of the weekend with others!


  1. How funny! I just love to watch turtles! But have never seen that happen! Isn't it amazing the creatures God created, and how they work! Hugs!

  2. Slow and steady does it every time! These are amazing pictures Beth!

  3. Who would have even imagined this?! I'm loving your new camera; your shots are amazing. Thanks for sharing with those of us who aren't blessed with such wonderful wildlife and plants.

  4. That first pic with the turtles is priceless! Love it!

  5. This post really made me smile Beth.

  6. LOVE the turtle pictures. How funny that the one pushed the duck off the log :-)

  7. What a delightful post. I hope you and your Mom have a Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Oh, how cute!! Such a sweet photo...

    We just found a snapping turtle smack dab in the middle of our yard yesterday--very strange... My husband kindly flipped him over, picked him up with a shovel, and carried him to our pond (where we hope he doesn't devour all of the fish!).

  9. *smile* I would have loved to see that! Turtle conquest!

  10. Cute post and amazing that you were there to watch all the fun!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.