Friday, March 8, 2013

Sing a Cheerful Song

First off, thanks so much to everyone who sent good wishes for Padma's recovery.  The vet now says that he was one extremely sick pussy cat (the word 'critical' was used - scary stuff).  But the latest blood work is much improved with no signs of liver disease, diabetes, or anything else that would get a pet owner's heart pounding in fear.  There's not been much study on pancreatitis in cats (as compared to dogs), so the hope is continued hydration with antibiotics will calm down the pancreas and allow it to function 'normally' once again.  We should to be able to bring Padma home on Saturday. 

This photo does not do "January's Snowdrop" justice.  The colors are very pretty.  I am enjoying stitching this even though before I'd hardly started I had to frog out most of the flower on the upper left.  Stuff like that just serves to keep me humble! 

We expect the rain to continue Thursday, but instead were greeted by another cold, frosty morning.  

The temperature made Winter coats a must.

As the sun rose, the frost retreated, and I decided to take a walk.  I spied this almost perfectly round hole.  It is only about 2" in circumference.  The photo does not show, but there are three of them along the trunk of the tree.  Imagine creating such a nice round hole without the use of your hands! 

On my walk it appeared that everyone was enjoying the Blue Sky Day.

Some had a song in their hearts like this Chickadee high atop an Oak tree.

In a thicket down by the Big Creek, the cheerful song of this inconspicuous bird caught my attention.  So lovely - the perfect salute to a sunny March day.  BTW, based on the upright striped tail, and white slash over the eye, I think this is a Bewick's Wren - a new to me species. Wahoo!


  1. I'm still keeping good thoughts Beth - he'll be missing the comforts of home if he's feeling a bit better. What a beautiful blue sky.

  2. you are all in my prayers and thoughts..
    big hugs xx

  3. It's good to hear there aren't any other scary things to worry about. Here's hoping Padma has a full recovery and gets back to normal soon. I bet you're looking forward to picking him up Saturday. Love your stitching!

  4. Oh, I'm relieved to read that Padma is improving, Beth--that must have been so scary. I hope you do get to bring him home tomorrow. He'll need plenty of TLC for awhile, I'm sure :)

    Your January's Snowdrop is lovely--it must be so nice to stitch with the pretty colors in that piece at this time of year...

  5. So glad to hear Padma(now I know that he is a he)is doing so much better. That hole is just amazing! I do love all your bird pictures!

  6. So glad to hear that Padma is doing better. Snow Drops is going to be so pretty. Looks like you're enjoying some nice spring weather.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.