Thursday, March 7, 2013

Share the Love

Design - Make Do #11 - "Love" (kit)
Designer - Shakespeare's Peddler
Fabric - 32 count Rosy Pink linen
Fibers - unknown - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 28 February 2013
Completed - 5 March 2013

I  changed the color of my initials - the a, c, and e to purple to make them stand out, and did the same with the year '13'.  I also ended up changing the color of the crown to a darker gold from a bright yellow which I did not think went with the rest of the colors used in the stitch.  The two small heart buttons are from my stash.

I hope you can spare a second to 'share the love' with Padma (on the right).  He went to the vet yesterday very sick, and was diagnosed with pancreatitis.  We will hear more later today after the blood-work is done.  He won't be home any sooner than Friday, perhaps Saturday.
The other morning this small hawk found a perch right by my Big Bird Feeder.

While that put paid to the bird action for quite a while, later in the afternoon my quail showed up.

The group of eleven is still hanging out together.  I expect them to pair up in the next month or so.

I warned the two bunnies that the backyard is not a good place for bunnies...
Eating sunflower seeds deep in the brier patch is much safer. 

I go three or four days without seeing my Grosbeaks, then several show up at the feeders. 

They are pretty good Cardinal substitutes.

I read that Anna's Hummingbirds court in February, and soon after build a nest and sit on the eggs.  I haven't seen my Anna's much lately, but if they are nesting perhaps that is why.  Our local newspaper has an Anna sitting on a clutch of two eggs just outside one of their windows.  They set up a live camera. Take a look at their Anna Camera.


  1. Padma is in my prayers Beth. It is so very hard to see our pets suffer isn't it. Mabel is not well now either.

  2. Sending good thoughts to Padma, poor baby. Your finish is so pretty, congrats.

  3. Oh I love this one. Wonderful colors. Sending positive thoughts for Padma.

  4. I do hope Padma is okay Beth. I've had no experience with pancreatitis in our cats so don't know what you might expect. It's such a worry when they are unwell and I don't cope at all when they are hospitalised at the vets's surgery.

  5. Hello - Sending you all best healing wishes for your sick kitty. :( I sure hope he'll be better soon. And thanks so much for the link to the hummingbird nest - I've added it to my favorites!

  6. Poor Padma! :( I hope the poor kitty is ok and recovers quickly. I love your heart finish -- so pretty! Love the pics too -- quail always are my favorite!

  7. Sending positive thoughts and prayers for Padma! Love the little sampler. I've never seen this design. Your changes and personalization are wonderful. Hugs!

  8. Poor Padma... I hope the poor kitty recovers quickly. ..
    so sweet and so pretty stitching..
    big hugs x

  9. Oh I'm sorry to hear about Padma Beth. Sending hugs and happy thoughts your way.


  10. Love that pattern; don't think I've seen it before. Nice job. Hope your cat is on the mend soon!

  11. Oooh--love this Make-Do the best so far, cause of the alphabet! And of course, LOVE the purple that stands out... My trademark! Hoping for the best for Padma. Just one question... how do the Anna's stay still so long? Isn't that interesting? I never considered it before... Hugs!

  12. Aww, poor Padma. He's in my thoughts. Cute "Love" finish. Going to check out the Anna cam.

  13. Oh Dear! I hope Padma will be well soon. As usual, wonderful bird pictures and a very cute stitch!

  14. Oh, no! Poor Padma! Hope the vet can get him sorted out soon. Such a worry.

  15. Sending thoughts and prayers to you and Padma. It is such a worry. Wanda

  16. Very cute little finish. :)
    It's so hard when your pets are ill. Ugh. :(

  17. I hope padma gets better soon. So sorry she is I'll. Praying for her. I think pancreatitis can be healed if I remember right.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.