Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Good Weekend to Garden

Thanks to everyone who took the time to send 'positive thoughts' Padma's direction.  Our vet told us yesterday that he is "very pleased" with Padma's progress and we are going to pick him up today and bring him home.  Wahoo!

I stopped by Down to Earth of Thursday and the staff was busy getting the nursery ready for the weekend.

Pallets of Buddhas

Garden Faces of all sizes

Pansies - yep, I bought some Pansies.

I bought more bird seed too.

They had a large display of the supplies needed to successfully start seeds.  

And lots of seeds too.  Doesn't Down to Earth have the best blackboard signs? 

Anyone need a Gnome? Or a mushroom?

It's pea planting time here in the Willamette Valley.  Aren't the row markers stuck in the pail of Oregon Sugar Pod II just the cutest?

Have I convinced you to go outside and have a look around?  I'm off to pot up some Pansies and Primroses.  


  1. Hi. I have been a reader of your blog for some time, even though I rarely comment. I just wanted to say how pretty your blog header is.

    I am also pleased to read your cat is doing better and due to come home from the vet.

    I, too am ready for Spring. Altho it will be coming sooner for you than for us here in the Midwest.

    Hope you can visit my blog sometime.


  2. Glad Padma is coming your other cats will spend time smelling and washing, to get the awful vet smell off.... Love the signs at Down to Earth...geat carrot drawing. Her in RI we need to wait for the snow to melt again to do a walk around. My daffs are so confused. They push their heads up and it snows, it melts the grow a bit more and then you guessed it more snow.

  3. I am just so delighted Beth - you will be so happy to have Padma home. It's a nice feeling to bring a pet back home. Mind you I would expect a few hisses and growls from the ladies.

  4. So glad that Padma is better. Enjoy the gardening.

  5. Hooray for Padma's Home Coming!
    Beth, I am so jealous! You bought pansies! Did you buy those ruffled ones? Those are my very, very favorite ones!

  6. What a beautiful new Spring header for your blog! So wonderfully created!

    It amazes me that you already have your spring flowers in bloom and your garden centers hopping with business. We are buried in feet of new snow here in New England this weekend, but it is slowly melting.

    Blessings for a great weekend!

  7. I'd rather come and look around your neck of the woods, lol. Not much to see here other than white snow covering the gardens. I do need to start some seeds though. I saved some seeds from sweet mini peppers hoping I might be able to get them to grow.

  8. Glad that your kitty is feeling better--it's always tough when one of our fur babies is not feeling well. That gardening store looks like fun! I've been out starting seeds, which I then bring indoors under lights. I think I can finish up with one more day today, and then I have got to get out and prune fruit trees--I'm late this year, but had other stuff going on so couldn't get to it till now. Have fun with the pansies and primroses!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.