Sunday, March 10, 2013

He's Back Home!

We are thankful to have a happy and healthy Padma-Cat home once again.

Saturday was a lovely, sunny day.

Everyone spent some time in the sunshine.

Both the doe and the fawn acted as though there was something of interest back in the brush...

The bunnies took advantage of a sunny day to have a spot of breakfast.

There were two bunnies in the backyard - here's #1. 

Here's Bunny #2.  The dew is still sparkling in the morning sunlight.

Here's a sign on Spring in the southern Willamette Valley.
The return of the Turkey Vultures. 
I saw my first one late Friday afternoon. 


  1. YAY! I'm so glad he is okay and is home resting comfortably--he sure is a beautiful kitty :)

  2. Padma looks great - it's lovely to see him back home. Lovely blue sky in the turkey vulture photo. We got up to snow today and it's varied from snow to sleet to hail with bursts of sunshine in between.

  3. So glad Padma is well! Scary to have a sick kitty!

  4. Beth
    Enjoy the blessing of Padma's homecoming...
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  5. I'm so glad Padma is home and happy and healthy! Yay! Lovely pics of your nature visitors too.

  6. I'm glad Padma is ok and home with the gang again! It was a beautiful Saturday here too but now we are back to rain. At least "everybody" had a nice sunny Saturday to enjoy!

  7. Welcome home Padma!

    We see some turkey vultures in May or June as they travel through here.

    I saw my first robin this morning! WOOHOO!

  8. So glad to see Padma home and looking great. He just decided he needed a little vacation. lol


  9. Glad to know that your Padma is back home - please give him a special pat from me :-)

  10. Great to see Padma back at home. The bunnies are so cute!

  11. So glad to hear that Padma is home!! I am trying to catch up on my blog reading and have been enjoying your recent posts.

  12. Yay! Good to hear he is home and doing well! I saw a bunch of turkey vultures on my drive home from NC today!It was a lovely time! Just what I needed... Hugs!

  13. YAyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    I'm so glad he is okay and is back home...
    hugs x

  14. I'm glad your sweet furbaby is back home and doing better! Hugs from here!

  15. Oh my goodness, he's home AND looking great! He looks like a cheeky little monkey, with that look on his face. Glad to see it. :)


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