Monday, March 11, 2013

The Monday Morning Progress Report

I continue to enjoy stitching "January's Snowdrop".  Usually I find that the border equals boring, but this border had several different elements and thus retained my interest.  I have a few snowflakes to stitch and then will start on the Snowdrops. 

Temperatures reached 60F over the weekend, and with the warmer weather the chipmunks are active once again.

I think I counted four of 'em.

I also counted three Pine Siskins eating the nyjer seeds.

And boy howdy have the woodpeckers ever been active.  The last few mornings have sounded like a construction zone what with all the tap-tap-tapping.  We've had both male Flickers...  

...and female Flickers.

I no longer have to worry about my female Varied Thrush... I've finally seen a male Varied Thrush.

The black "V" on the throat is much more pronounced in the male.

He does not deign to come to the suet feeder, so my photos are long range and a bit blurry.

I wonder if they'll set up housekeeping...


  1. Oh my, those chipmunks are just adorable! And the WIP is so pretty - I love irregular borders, they're great fun to stitch. This is turning out to be a lovely (and very tempting...) series.

  2. your wip is so sweet and those chipmunks are so cuteeeeee.
    hugs x

  3. The flickers haven't lost their appeal, I still love to see them. The male varied thrush is a bonnie fellow with very nice markings. I've had the bullfinch back again today sitting still on the ground for extended periods. I don't know if he's resting or if there's something not quite right. He flies off and then returns to sit.

  4. I wish we had chipmunks around here. I love them. Love the bird pics -- so many kinds! I envy your 60 degree temps.

  5. that wip is lovely :) and awwww chipmonks .... glad you found the male bird and also that padma cat is much better ... sorry catching up as usual ...
    spring signs are showing here at the mouse house too :) xxxxx

  6. I love your little WIP. The border is so pretty! You have such a wonderful variety of nature near your home.

  7. "border equals boring" very tru words. This is such a sweet little stitch. I hope that they have set up housekeeping. Very pretty birds.

  8. I just love the pics you post! Chipmunks are a favorite of my hubby and me. I also agree about 'borders' being boring, but this one is very interesting! Thanks so much for sharing! Incidentally, have you ever used any of your photos to convert to cross stitch charts? I think you should. Keep up the great work!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.