Monday, March 4, 2013

Here Kitty Kitty

I know, it's March...I should be stitching "Springishy" things.  And I will.  But I started this Shakespeare's Peddler kit "Love" at the end of February.  Neat color of fabric and fun thread colors too.  Tomorrow I will show "What's On Tap For March".

We had a bit of Natural Excitement here Saturday morning.     

This is the 'normal' view of the Big Leaf Maple about 30 yards from the edge of our backyard. 

Last Saturday morning, this was what I saw.  Something or someone high atop the tree.

Upon closer examination it was readily apparent that it was a Bobcat!

Yep, a Bobcat.

Friday night when my sister went to let in our Tom-Cat he was pressed against the kitchen door.  He came running inside his fur all ruffed up.  He came into the family room, but he would not settle down.  He sat in his cat tube very nervous - eyes wide open.  We think he either saw or smelled the Bobcat.  

Based on Tom-Cat's behavior we think the Bobcat spent most of Friday night up the tree.

I did let our cats outside Saturday morning under our watchful eyes.  Padma, Solomon, and Parvati acted as though there was nothing the least bit unusual in their world.  Tom-Cat on the other hand, came outside and begin to stiff the air.  The fir along his spine and neck immediately stood at attention.  He paced back and forth - constantly sniffing the air.  He was not at all comfortable outside and shortly thereafter asked to go back in.  

My sister was worried that the cat was 'stuck' high up in the tree.  But after about an hour or so, the Bobcat headed down the tree... though it had been its choice to be up there all that time.
My question is, "What on earth sends a Bobcat 40 feet up a tree?"


  1. sweet post..your stitching is looking so lovely..
    aww naughty bobcat..having fun :)
    hugs x

  2. I missed your great post yesterday with the geese, I would have loved to have seen them fly over. It does make you wonder about why a bobcat is so far up a tree and to stay there for a while too.

  3. Was it an adult bobcat? It does seem odd to see a bobcat high in a tree. Wonder why only one kitty was bothered by the bobcat...

  4. Very interesting indeed Beth.

  5. How thrilling! I visited an Alpine Zoo in Innsbruck some time ago, and one of their lynxes had its favourite place high up a tree... must be a feline thing. I love wild felines of all sizes, they're such beautiful animals.

    Nice finish, well done.

  6. Oh wow Beth. What awesome pictures of the bobcat. I loved them.


  7. What a sight that bobcat in the treetop must have been, Beth!! So sorry he scared your Tom-Cat...poor kitty; I hope he gets his nerve up to go back outside soon!!

  8. Wow, now there's something you don't see every day! What a handsome cat. Thanks for sharing photos!

  9. Oh my goodness! If someone had shown me the "normal" picture of that tree and had given me a multiple-choice quiz asking what the largest animal that could (or would!) get that high up, I would not have picked that big bobcat! That does not look like a comfortable perch! :)

  10. I had NO idea you had Make-Do's!! Hope you didn't have the one I sent you! Arrgh! Funny story about the bobcat... but not to Tom-Cat! Hugs!

  11. A bear scared him and he wanted to be able to see if it came back!

  12. How interesting, we do not have bobcats here so I know very little about them.

  13. Eiiiiieeeeiii! I'm glad your kitties stayed safe with him around like that. Scary.


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