Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What is March All About Anyway?

I think March is going to be all about Early Spring Blooms.  I want to finish BBD's "Fair Daffodil" a long standing WIP of mine.  I also am taken with a new series by Cottage Garden Samplings.  I have "January's Snowdrop" and "February's Primrose" and have ordered "March's Daffodil".  There are a couple of SamSarah charts, a Chessie 'n Me, and a Tournicoton.  More than I can possibly stitch in two months in other words.

Speaking of early blooms, let's take a look at what I've got going on outside.

Here's my reward for potting up some Iris retuculata in October.  A pot of vibrant early March color.

Tete' a tete' Daffodils are the best!  They are the first to bloom and they multiply like crazy. 

I love the rich color of this Hellebore.

This color combination of crocus and Iris reticulata turned out well - no surprise as I just quickly dug a couple of holes and tossed them into the ground carefully planned this back in October.

I continue to admire this frilly Hellebore.

This front flowerbed is full to bursting with early Spring color.

Primroses - more early color.


More primroses

Back on February 24th we had an extremely nice, warm Sunday.
How does a gardener spent a day like that? Well, for a couple of hours my sister and I (with loads of Cat Help) got this flowerbed ready for Spring. We weeded, and pruned and generally tidied up.  There were already lots of signs of things to come - new green shoots on the Salvias and Agastaches.  Even a couple of Oriental Lilies already popping up.  By mid-June this bed will be so full of color and foliage that the ground will be invisible.


  1. huh! No fair. I am jealous. I would show you a picture of my garden, but I CANNOT SEE IT. It would be a picture of nothing but white. Hey, look, it's snowing outside right now. Yippee! NOT!

  2. Your garden is looking great! You seem to be much closer to spring than we are at the moment, and this is ITALY for crying out loud - ok, northern Italy :-)
    Well done on the stash, way to go.

  3. sweet charts..your garden is looking so sweet..
    happy march time x

  4. You're looking very spring like compared to us. We're nowhere near as far ahead in terms of bulbs flowering and yet we've had some lovely sunny days of late.

  5. Oh lucky you to have so many spring blooms already! Nothing at all here -- just snow and more snow coming. lol! Love your future stitching projects too.

  6. Crocus & iris are bursting with colour!!! I'm feeling in a Spring mood just looking at them ☺

  7. Oh, so pretty, Beth!! No early spring blooms around here--we're expecting 4-6 inches of snow tonight!! But, thanks for putting me in a spring mood :)

  8. Pretty flowers! No flowers around here. We have too much snow yet but sure am thinking spring!

  9. You have such a lovely variety of plants in your garden, just like the variety of charts to stitch this spring! Thanks for sharing about the garden blooms. I have one yellow daffodil and two anemones in front... that is all today. And probably till next week, due to the rain we will have. Sigh...

  10. How lucky you are to have spring flowers already! Way too early for us to be working in the garden and now it's got a 10+ inch thick blanket of snow on it.

    Looks like some great stitching planned for this month. I'm still debating about getting the Cottage Garden Samplings.

  11. I have a black thumb when it comes to gardening...of course I live in a desert climate and hate the hot sun so gardening just isn't for me. I enjoy all the lovely photos on your blog though! Your spring stitching sounds great and just right for the season.

  12. Your flowers all look so pretty! That is a perfect subject for March!! I'm looking forward to seeing what designs you decide to stitch!

  13. It's so nice to see the blooms coming up! We have daffodils here but we had a late hard frost last week so they're not as lush as they have been in past years.

  14. I love your bulbs--gorgeous! Your hellebore are just gorgeous, too--I really like that deep rose-colored one. I'm seeing mine throughout my garden now, too, and it always makes me smile. And your flower bed looks so nice and tidy--wow! I was so sad during those sunny days, because I came down with a nasty cold and had to spend the time indoors--it was killing me, because I have a ton of stuff to start doing in the garden! I'm still not all the way better, but feeling much better today than I have been, so maybe I can get some seeds started today-we'll see!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.