Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Sign of Spring

Saturday morning hundreds of Canada Geese flew overhead, back-lit by a dark gray sky.

My sister and I heard them long before we saw them.

Skein, after skein, after skein 'honked' across the sky.

All flying north.

I'm biting my tongue. (Where were you guys during the bird count?!).  Oops, didn't bite it hard enough...


  1. lol! That would have been a whole lot of birds for the bird count! We get the Canada Geese flying overhead here too -- I love to hear them and see them flying by.

  2. It's about time for spring to come - I'm already enjoying the longer days.

  3. They also pass Germany. i love to hear them.
    Thanks for the pictures

  4. truly very sweet pictures..
    we going towards autumn soon..
    spring hugs x

  5. I didn't realize that Canada Geese migrated. They live here year round. Love to see the big V's; you've captured them well.

    Your March header is very colorful and makes you look toward spring. Love it!


  6. Glad to hear they are on their way has been a long winter here.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. They passed over our area when Woody and I were walking. His keen dog ears heard them long before I did, but when I finally saw them I was amazed by their number. Wow!

  9. We've been hearing and seeing them for about a month now, but of course none flew over during the bird count.

    Supposedly another big snow on the way Monday & Tuesday. I'm hoping for rain instead.

  10. wow--that IS a lot of geese! Hugs!

  11. What a sight! I love seeing the geese in formation!


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