Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Warming Up

Another Frosty Morning this morning!
Today is probably the last Mitten Day for a while.
We're to warm up to the mid-50s in the next couple of days.

Design - "Fuzzy Mitten" (C-9)
Designer - Fanci This
Fabric - 32 count Pearl Gray Belfast Zweigart linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 January 2013
Completed - 12 January 2013 

I fussed and fussed over the fabric selection for this, am pleased with my final choice.

Saturday morning was a frosty delight.

The Mourning Doves were able to practice their ice skating on this frozen birdbath.

Everyone was puffed up to combat the cold.

Why do birds look cute when they are plump, but 50 year old women don't?

Frost can pretty up the hedgerows...

...and the young forest...

...and the Teasel.

This Towhee looks as though she's wearing a Wonderbra! 

Pretty twigs...

...and a pretty bird!


  1. Cute finish, well done. And beautiful snow pictures - we're in for some snow tomorrow, apparently, and I can't say I'm looking forward to it, pretty as it may be :-)

  2. Congrats on your finish! They are cute little mittens. They fit just nicely with your lovely pictures!! I love a frosty morning :)

  3. Your comments today made me smile Beth - the one about the fifty year old women and the wonderbra. Whoever said that fifty was the new forty wasn't a woman.

  4. Gosh, I just love all the birds! The wonderbra comment gave me a good chuckle ;-)

  5. Congrats on your finish... Very sweet mittens....
    I love the birds so much xxx

  6. What gorgeous pictures!!! I especially love the Chickadee on the end! He looks so puffy for such a tiny bird :)

  7. Love your mittens! And the frost -- so pretty! You're warming up and we're cooling down. Oh well.

  8. Adorable mitten finish...and such a lovely crisp and clean walk today! Thanks you as always, Beth.

  9. I so agree...why can't we look so cute plump too?

  10. Ha ha! Love the "wonderbra bird" :)

    Your mitten finish is so sweet, Beth---glad you're going to enjoy some warmer days for a bit. Ours are turning icy again here in the east.

  11. I do love all those mittens! The frost looks very pretty!

  12. I love how peaceful frost makes everything look! Love the mitten!

  13. More beautiful birds, Beth, and ah, the conundrum of birds and 50-year-old women:)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.