Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In Praise of Oaks

Here's a little update on "Happy Chirp Chirp Day".  The alphabet is now done, and I've started stitching the red bird.

The weather is fine - let's go take a walk. 

I love the top dressing of moss on this old wooden fence post.

A garden presenter recently commented that Spring in Oregon begins in November.  I totally believe that given the number of plants that set their Spring growth from November-February.  The Hazelnut is a perfect example.  See all the catkins?

I found this hard old Oak gall still attached despite wind and weather. 

The happiest of mushrooms - look at the leaf and fir needles providing instant compost and nutrients.

Sometimes Nature is just so darned artistic.  This looks like an arty bird's nest, but no, it's a clumping moss instead.

Though the day began foggy, we are now able to enjoy blue skies.

A big Cottonwood leaf amidst the smaller Oak leaves.

Further signs of Spring in January!  This year's crop of Cow's Parsley has sprouted and is awaiting the warmer weather that will allow it to grow to over 6' tall.   

I did say it was foggy earlier - I like how the Hazelnut catkins are dangling like ear rings against the moody sky. 

I spy a bird's nest!  I wonder if it will be used again come Spring.

This is one my my favorite vistas.  Our Oak Grove looking out toward the road.  I must have been a Druid back in the day, as I do love my Oaks.

And look what my sister-in-law gave me for Christmas!
She commissioned a friend to create a pastel of my beloved Oaks.
Is that perfect or what?


  1. Lovely pastel scene Beth, a very thoughtful gift. I was thinking of you this morning as I headed into Edinburgh for an appointment - a huge flock of geese flew over (near the airport) - they were heading south and were split into several lovely v formations.

  2. Such a sweet day with lovely view x

  3. Supposedly my family name translates to "People of the Oaks" and I love them too! Love the painting! What a thoughtful gift! I am not a fan of fungus, but I enjoy seeing the many different mushrooms you come across. And love the mosses! What thread did you use for the alphabet on Happy Chirp Chirp Day? Hugs!

  4. I do love seeing the signs of spring in the winter! Your SIL gives very thoughtful gifts, lovely too.

  5. Such bright green you have there. Makes me think of spring.

    I love the pastel of your Oaks!!!


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