Monday, January 14, 2013

The Cold Spell Continues

It never got above freezing Sunday.  It was a strange weather day - cold, gray, and foggy.  If we're going to have freezing temperatures, the least it could do is send some precipitation our way (i.e snow!).  I decided to embrace the season and kit up Lizzie Kate's "Winter."

There's someone new in the neighborhood.  
He has been eating at the suet feeder the last couple of days.

Some of us are quite outraged at the attention he is receiving.

The newcomer has been observed by many others. 

It is time that we extend a warm welcome to...  

...the newest member of the Front Porch Bird Club:

A Ruby-crowned Kinglet!  

The Ruby-crowned Kinglet is one of North America's smallest birds.  They are a winter visitor in the Willamette Valley.  They breed in Alaska, Canada, and the Cascades, Sierras, and Rocky Mountains.

I was surprised to see it at the suet feeder as they are said to be primarily insectivorous, supplementing their diet with seeds and fruit.  But maybe in cold weather the bird becomes less picky.

This photo gives you an idea of just how small the Kinglet is in comparison to a Song Sparrow.

Though this photo is a bit blurry, I'm pleased with it as it shows of the flash of iridescent red (much like a hummingbird) a top his head.  I hope he stays with us for the remainder of the Winter.  

Some of our best Bird Watchers find it suits them better to be indoors on cold days.


  1. Aww sweetie birds and cute choice for your stitching..
    Hugs x

  2. What beautiful neighbors you have! Thanks for sharing nature's best....both the feathered and furry kind! Stay warm and have fun stitching!

  3. He looks tiny - a bit like our wren in size perhaps. When we have one visit it's so hard to see it as it moves quickly and is so small.

  4. Oh my! Love the colors in your new start! Love the colorful birds too! You always get great pics. That quilt under your kitty is fantastic!

  5. That bird watcher is very smart. The Ruby-crowned Kinglet is so cute!I have never seen one. It is nasty cold here too! I agree, if it is that cold, I want sun or snow the dull grey is awful!

  6. I think your bird watcher has the right idea! I love seeing the bird photos.

  7. So wonderful to see a new visitor!
    Lovely pics.

  8. oooh deja vu! I took out ABC Crazy by LK last nite for a couple of projects I must do! Hopefully I will finish Kindness Begets tonite so I can start them tomorrow! That IS a teensy little bird! I was wondering about the ruby part of their name, till your great picture! Thanks as always for sharing! Hugs!

  9. Oh, isn't he the cutest little bird!! And I love his ruby colored crown... Do the kitties ever try to eat the birds?

  10. Awwwwwwww! What a cutie!!! He is so darling. And small. :)


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