Saturday, November 17, 2012

300 Follower Give Away - Part Three

I'm going to end the 300 Follower Give-Away with a bang!
I have a book, a group of charts, and a group of fibers to give away.
So THREE chances to win!

First up this super book of patterns by French designer Marjorie Massey.

There are eight loose-leaf charts as well as numerous charts in the book.
I'd categorize her as "French Country Style" - charming!

Next up a group of charts.  Something for everyone!

Lastly a group of fibers: Six Sweet Strands, Old Willow, Crescent Colours, and GAST Limited Edition flosses.

So if you want to be entered in the give-away, please leave a comment for this post before 11:59pm Sunday the 18th.  If you are serious about winning, please make sure that you are either a regular reader and thus will see your name, or that you are set up through your Google account to share your email address.  If I have trouble contacting a winner, I will simply generate a 'new' winner when I see fit to do so.  


  1. Pick me - pick me!! I love your blog - I enjoy your nature walks!! Thanks so much for the fun posts!!

  2. Oh, wow - you really are ending with bang! Thanks for sharing, not only this wonderful group of gifts, but all your beautiful photos, your knowledge of the plants and animals you show us, and your lovely stitching. I enjoy your blog so much!

  3. You always write such a wonderful and interesting blog, so I am not surprised that you have over 300 followers, me being one of them! And what an amazing give-away - I have everything crossed that I am one of the lucky winners!

  4. OH MY GOODNESS what an awesom giveaway... Thank you for thinking of us like this. What a great thanksgiving gifting.

  5. What a generous offer!
    I would love to be included in your giveaway!

  6. Wowwww I am keep on looking at the all the lovely goodies..
    Please count me in ..
    Thank you
    Big hugs cucki xxx

  7. Beth
    Thank you so much for offering this very generous giveaway! Reading your blog gets me "grounded" for the day...
    Enjoy your final preparations for Thanksgiving!
    Please count me in!!!!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  8. Wow - talk about a bang! Love those charts. Could you enter me?

  9. enter me in the give the book.

  10. i would love to be entered into your giveaway. I enjoy your walks almost as much as I enjoy stitching. thanks so much

  11. I'd love to be entered in your giveaway please . Thank you xxx

  12. What a nice giveaway! Congrats on 300 followers.

  13. Please enter me into your fantastic give away, I love the French style shown in the book.

  14. Thank you for offering 3 fabulous giveaways! And thank you for offering educational, upbeat posts eveyday!

  15. Wow, you are so generous! I am going nuts just thinking about that Marjory Massey book. lol! I love her stuff, despite not having anything of hers to stitch. Thanks so much for the giveaway!!

  16. Congratulations Beth. You take the most wonderful pictures. Please enter me in the draw. That book looks extremely cool.

  17. Three hundred! Congrats. I enjoy going on walks with you. :)

  18. Congrats on your 300 followers! As for me, I think I like the kitty adventures the best! :) I'd love to be entered in your draw :)

  19. Congratulations on your blog following. I always enjoy reading! Please throw my name in the hat :)

  20. Hello there! Please enter me in the giveaway today! I bet you are at more than 300 by now! Till later, Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs!

  21. What a great giveaway Beth. I would love to be entered for the charts or floss.

    Thank you, Linda

  22. Beth,
    Congrats on breaking 300!. This is an awesome giveaway. I'd love to be entered.

    Really enjoy your photos, thanks for sharing.

  23. oooo something for every one there ... gorgeous gifties you have chosen :) thanks for popping my name into the hat :)
    love mouse xxxxx

  24. What a generous give-away Beth. Please enter my name!

  25. Lovely giveaway. I've been a reader for ages, just not an 'official follower' until now.

    I'd love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks!

  26. I LOVE all of your giveaway items! You are so generous and I hope I'm a winner! I have enjoyed your blog for a long time--especially your beautiful kitties!! I am pleased to be a follower now! Thank you! Frances

  27. What a wonderful Giveaway~~ Count me in on the fun!!! I sure would enjoy putting these charts and threads to good use..... Thanks for the chance, Faye

  28. What a wonderful giveaway. You are so generous . Count me in. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  29. Such a geneous giveaway, please would you include me.

  30. Dear Beth, I'd forgotten how lovely your nature walks are.. just life getting in the way of reading, I must join your rambles more often as I find them so soothing!

    Please include me in your draw :)

    msminister at gmail

  31. I would love a chance to be entered in your giveaway. I love your beautiful nature pictures. I love checking out what is on the stitching board...I especially love the pics of the bunnies....

  32. Oh, such a wonderful giveaway, Beth--I would be thrilled to win this one :) Each and every gift looks wonderful! Thanks so much for the chance...

  33. A truly generous giveaway. I would love to be entered, thank you so much. Irene xxx

  34. Мне очень нравится книга) И потрясающие дизайны))))
    Я с радостью буду играть))))

  35. What a wonderful giveaway! I have really enjoyed seeing your world through your blog and photos. Congrats on 300 followers!!

  36. Hi, I was recently introduced to your blog by my best friend, as we are both cross stitch enthusiasts!
    I would love to win any of the three lovely gifts, but I want the book the most.
    Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  37. You have such amazing nature phots, and I look forward to seeing what your next cross stitch project will be. I wish I could get that much stitching done. I usually see your blog right before I go to bed, and it puts me in a peaceful mood.
    Thanks for offering such a great giveaway. I would be thrilled with any of them.

  38. Oh boy...what a great giveaway. Please add me in:-)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.