Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Sunday Look Back in Time

Let's take a walk...back in time.

Big Leaf Maples - October 30th - glowingly lovely!

Big Leaf Maples November 1st.

Big Leaf Maples November 4th.

Big Leaf Maples November 6th.

Big Leaf Maples November 7th!

Boom - Bam!  All the leaves dropped between the 1st and the 9th of November.

I always feel that when the leaves have dropped, Winter officials has begun.


  1. beautiful..i love the color so much..
    so sweetttttttttttttt
    hugs x

  2. That is so cool! I love your photography!

  3. Great photos = thanks for sharing :-)

  4. They look so bare without their leaves. Beautiful fall color on the trees before though.

  5. What a great idea to take the photo from the same perspective over 10 days, Beth. They sure do drop quickly once they start, don't they?

  6. I have a big leaf maple right outside my bedroom window, I have been watching the same parade of the season that you have captured in the photos. I agree, when the leaves are gone, winter is here!

  7. I love seeing the fall progression through your photos.

    And yep, I agree, when the trees are bare, winter has officially begun.

  8. Awwwwwww. It's kinda sad when you put it all together like that. lol


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