Friday, November 16, 2012

Let's Celebrate

Let's Celebrate - I'm feeling much better today (less sickish!)

This Friday I'm sharing my Mom's latest finish.
It's a Pine Mountain Kit.

My Mom is all about Red, White, and Blue.  
I figure this is a good post-election celebration, right?

I like this photo of a female Flicker.  Notice that she does not have any of the red striping on her head that the males have.

And another photo of my female Evening Grosbeak.  She did not show up yesterday, so I hope that she's figured out where her flock is spending the winter.  

The male Hairy Woodpecker is spending the winter at my peanut feeder!
I counted 14 California Quail - an equal number of males and females.  That is good.  Come next spring they'll pair up again and I won't have any "Lonely Hearts" wandering around. 

Our compost pile is full of dahlia canes.  I was surprised to see a couple of Quail guys tearing off the leaves....looking for bugs maybe? 

Not surprised that they liked perching atop the mound of debris...

They like to be up high and keeping a watch out for predators.


  1. Glad you're feeling better. Nice finish your mom made! Love the quail -- they're so cute!

  2. I'm glad you're feeling better Beth, these things take their own sweet time to go away.

  3. glad you are feeling better..
    beautiful finish from your mom..
    love the quail..
    big hugs cucki xx

  4. Was your mother's pillow a "tuck" one that comes pre-finished? I like how nicely the fabric coordinate with the stitching. Glad you are feeling better.

  5. Your Mom's pillow is such stitched in such happy colours. Have a good weekend.

  6. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Mom's pillow is adorable. I , too, like red white and blue. In fact, I put all my patriotic samplers on a wall in my upstairs hall. I used to put them away and only got them out form Memorial Day to the 4th of July. I decided I liked them well enough to keep them out. Great bird photos. We have to get our feeders going.

  7. Glad to hear you are on the mend, Beth. I love the posts where you share your bird pictures. You know all the different types of birds, too. I know a few, but need to get better at identifying more that eat at our feeders. And I love the pictures of the quail--there is something so charming about them! There was a book I read many years ago called That Quail Robert, about a quail that adopted a family--it was a good read.

  8. I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend! I love your mom's finish--love patriotic stuff! The quail photos are so neat.


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