Sunday, October 21, 2012

October at the Farmers' Market

As you can see, the weather here has changed.  Autumn gray skies, cooler temperatures, and plenty of pumpkins have arrived at the Farmers' Market.  Still there was a good crowd of shoppers and lots of color to admire. 

Let's start off by admiring the Asian pears.

This is something else I admired and bought to take home!   

The colors of the peppers were surpassed only by...

...the lovely Autumn bouquets.

My sister and I had Chinook salmon for dinner the other night.  I'd bought it several weeks ago at the Market and frozen it for future use.  Oh, but it was wonderful and flavorful!  I thus was inspired to buy another pound or two for future meals. 


Oh look!  Yet more French pastries!  I bought a couple of the Chocolate-Hazelnut "thingies" on the bottom tier.

I think the white pumpkins were my favorites...

...though this selection of gourds and squash made it hard to choose! 


  1. A beautiful farmer's market for sure!

  2. Such a wonderful variety of beautiful fall colors !

  3. a beautiful farmer market..i love it xxx

  4. Everything looks so good! I am so intrigued by the white pumpkins--I don't think I've seen them before but they seem popular in the US now. They're really pretty!

  5. I've never seen white pumpkins before, I didn't know they existed. You truly learn something knew each day.

  6. Gosh they do come in all shapes and sizes.

  7. Love the photos! I have a hard time walking by gourds and pumpkins without snapping a few pics too :)

  8. Oh my - my mouth is watering looking at all the yummy goodies! I love this time of year - such pretty colors every where.


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