Monday, October 22, 2012

An Owl and Other Birds

Design - "O is for Owl" (freebie)
Designer - Erica Michaels
Fabric - 32 count Clay Belfast linen
Fibers - Rainbow Gallery: Mandarin Floss, Splendor, and Petite Treasure Braid
Started - 15 October 2012
Completed - 17 October 2012

I like the oblong rice stitch used for the owl's breast - I think he looks like he is wearing an argyle sweater.

Erica Michaels has most generously provided over 50 free charts on the Rainbow Gallery website.  Click here to take a look.  Odds are you'll kind something you like! 

I was pleased Saturday evening to hear a couple of Great Horned Owls "Who-whooing" as the sun set and the moon rose in the sky.  I've not heard them for several months now, and I do enjoy listening to their conversations.

Here are some other birds I've heard and seen in the last week or so.

I first heard this gal working away in an Oak tree down by Dorothy's creek.  

She's a Downy Woodpecker and apparently she also likes Blackberries.  Who knew?

I first became aware of this "V" of geese as their calls to each other interrupted the morning chorus of the smaller birds.  I can't help but wonder if the geese argue over directions.  "No Harry, I think we should be flying 5 degrees more north-northeast."  "Are we there yet?"  "Will we stop at the Finley Wildlife Refuge like last year?" 

The Robins have returned with the Autumn rain.  I counted over 20 of them in the backyard on Friday.

The California Quail are spending more time in the backyard as of late.  

While they do scratch about under the bird feeders, they spend most of the time tucked back near the edge of the berm.

It's a wise precaution based on the continued presence of a Sharp-shinned Hawk of two.

I want to thank everyone for their kind words and comments on Friday's post.  I have a winner for Saturday's Garden Cookbook giveaway.  I'll post the winner's name tomorrow.  Stay tuned!


  1. We have not heard "our" Great Horned Owls for about 6 months now. We have tried and tried to get a good picture, it never worked out.
    Your little guy does look like he is wearing an argyle sweater.

  2. Thank you , I went to Erica's site...such fun! I think I printed out least a dozen.

  3. I was wondering what that stitch was on this chest when I first saw your piece. A rice stitch?....I've never heard of them. It's beautiful.

  4. wow it is really a very lovely stitch..
    beautiful walk,...with you..i love it.
    hugs cucki xx

  5. Your newest owl is so cute, Beth! I've never tried a rice stitch, but it does add a lot to the little owl... I've stitched a couple of Erica's freebies and they were so enjoyable.

    Do your robins stay there all winter? Ours have headed south already. Yours seem to be much redder than ours, too!

  6. I so enjoy both the owl in cross stitch and all the real birds!!

  7. Wonderful owl finish!

    Our robins have disappeared for the winter, but I didn't see them leave. It's kind of like I got up one day and noticed they were gone.

    Our Downy Woodpeckers are busy, busy, busy all the time. The geese honking gets pretty loud at times and Hubby and I have imagined what the geese conversations are too.

  8. I love the owl Beth!! Lovely fall post.

  9. i love the added little sparkle you put in your owl - cute :)

  10. Wow! What a treasure trove of little patterns on that page. Bookmarked for sure. :)
    This little owl is super adorable. The rice stitch is a nice detail.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.