Saturday, October 20, 2012

300 Followers Celebration

Three hundred Followers - wow!
I think that calls for a Celebration.
This blogs has three over-arching themes: Gardening, Cross Stitching, and Nature.

First off: The Garden Celebration Give-away.
I am delighted to give away a copy of "The Painted Garden Cookbook" by Mary Woodin.

It has a super collection of 120 recipes and is further embellished with Mary's lovely watercolor paintings.  
To enter this giveaway, just leave a comment on this post by 11:59pm Sunday Pacific Daylight Savings Time.    


  1. Congratulations on reaching 300 followers! What a lovely way to celebrate...the cookbook looks beautiful :)

  2. Congratulations on 300 followers! Love the first giveaway. :D You are a sweetheart!

  3. Congratulations! That's quite a large number of followers, but your blog is always so beautiful that I'm not at all surprised you've reached it. The cookbook is lovely, and since I'm trying to fix healthier foods, I think this would be a great one to own. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Congratulations 300....looks like a great cookbook.

  5. I'm a master gardener and love to cross stitch and love following your 'feeds' both my needs :-) Congrats on 300!

  6. What a lovely way to celebrate! Here's to another 300! Looks like a beautifully illustrated book. A gift for the eyes as well as taste buds!

  7. Поздравляю!Очень приятно стать 300м читателем вашего чудесного блога!
    Книги потрясающие и красивые. Обожаю акварель!

  8. Well 300 is a big achievement, and well deserved! And I just love cook books with beautiful illustrations - makes such a difference. so fingers crossed for this give-away. Congratulations again x

  9. Beth
    Your following has grown in leaps and bounds...congratulations on a job well done...your blog is my "go to" with my first cup of morning tea! The book is a very appropriate giveaway the screams, YOU!
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  10. Congratulations on 300 followers!!

  11. Congratulations on 300 followers - love reading your entries and your many accomplishments!

  12. Congrats on your milestone! What a beautiful cookbook.

  13. Congratulations on 300 followers, you have an amazing blog, I love the mixture in your posts.

  14. Tomato and Basil Bread - sounds delicious - congratulations on reaching 300 followers - your Blog is always a joy to read - you are a very sweet person - hugs and stitches, Amanda

  15. I would love to be entered into this drawing! That looks like a great cook book!

  16. Congratulations! I would love to win the cookbook, it looks like a wonderful book of favorite recipes.
    Ruth of the First Coast.

  17. Congrats on reaching 300! I enjoy following your blog. Your pictures are awesome.

  18. Congratulations, Beth--300 is a wonderful number of followers!! I love the mix of topics on your blog--always such pretty things you have to share with us (and every day no less--I'm still in awe!!)...

  19. Beth, Congratulations on your followers!! Please enter my name, I would love to win that beautiful book!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.