Friday, October 19, 2012

Framed Friday Finish

Even though I blog on the World Wide Web, I'm still a pretty private person.
I don't often write about myself and I've only ever vaguely aluded to the fact that I am a Big C. Survivor.  As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month in the U.S., I decided that others 'out there' might take comfort from knowing that at some point cancer, rather than being The Story of Your Life, becomes little more than A Historical Footnote. 

After surgeries in February and March of 2006, I stitched "Bloom" by SamSarah in May of the same year when I began my first round of chemotherapy.  I decided back then that I needed something bright and positive to focus on, and this stitch fit the bill.

In July of 2012, as a way to commemorate my renewed health the last 5+ years, I took piece into be be framed. 

Every once in a while I still need a reminder to "Bloom" and this provides it nicely.


  1. Congrats on your 5 year cancer free anniversary! Bloom is beautiful. It deserves to be framed.

  2. Congratulations on being cancer free. And bloom is a lovely piece

  3. Bloom is very cheerful! Congratulations on your 5 year milestone. You are right, we are not defined by our illnesses past or present! You go girl!!!

  4. Thanks for sharing. What a beautiful way to celebrate. Well done!

  5. What a lovely blog post Beth, I know what you mean about not usually sharing. It's hard to know sometimes how much to say but it's lovely to hear good news like this and to celebrate each milestone when it comes along.

  6. Beth
    "Bloom" is a beautiful way to honor each's the little things that make our life beautiful!
    I wish you continued blessings...
    Busy Hands...Happy Heart

  7. Good for you, the power of positive thinking goes a long way.

    Wishing you a good weekend xxx

  8. A big hugs for you deary
    Bloom is so lovely xxx

  9. Bloom is a lovely way to commemorate your 5 year anniversary, Beth! Here's to many, many more happy and healthy years!

  10. Bloom is a lovely way to celebrate! I'm so happy you are doing well!!

  11. Congrats on YOUR five years! Me too this year! A good year! Love bloom! and all your finishes this week... Been busy, so haven't commented much. But I am reading! Hugs!

  12. Thanks so much for sharing and heartfelt congratulations. Bloom is a perfect 5-year celebration. I am so happy for you. Wanda

  13. "Bloom" is a beautiful and bright piece. Congratulations on your 5 years milestone!

  14. It's a wonderful, cheery and happy piece. A perfect complement to your 5 year anniversary. :)

  15. Bloom is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  16. This post really touched my heart, as I am currently undergoing radiation treatment for breast cancer (20 down, 10 more to go... and yes, I am counting!!) I too, found that when I was diagnosed back in June, I wanted to stitch something with bright colours to lift my spirits.

    Your BLOOM was a wonderful choice, and getting it framed was sure a wonderful way to celebrate 5 years being cancer free!

    I'm wishing you many more healthy years ahead!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.