Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Framed Finished 09/21

I stitched "Doodle Bugs" a Blacksheep kit by Ewe & Eye & Friends back in 2004.  The kit provided a very small (5' x 7") piece of Sugared Ginger Lakeside linen.  So when I decided to have this framed, having enough linen to stretch and secure it was challenging.

Fortunately by framers were up to the challenge!  By using a wide mat we overcame the stretching issues.  The metallic purple frame picks up the colors of the two "Doodle Bugs" and that of the inside border.

One more time - back to the Tuesday Farmers' Market I went!
It's a good thing I had my Alabama Chicken and Dumplings last week as the vendor was not there this week. 

But there was lots of pretty produce including Canadice grapes...

and peppers.

Aren't these great looking carrots?

This is some variety of heirloom bean.

At the end of the growing season a few eggplants finally appear.
Lots of ideas for a seasonal meal. 

This pink was was on the corner opposite the Market.
I entered the website address and this is what I found out:

"Our Streets Eugene is a citywide public art installation and zine created by University of Oregon students Nina Coloso and Julian Watts, funded by the city of Eugene, OR. The goal of the project is to tell the stories of the people of Eugene through our urban landscape. By initiating a dialogue with the community through local events, interviews and written submissions, we are collecting and documenting stories that define peoples relationships with their urban space and thus their greater connection to their city and community. We will transform elements of the city infrastructure by creating a series of site-specific art installations that correspond to each of the stories that we collect."

"We will compile these stories into a zine (D.I.Y. style magazine) which will be distributed for free throughout the city. Along with the stories, the zine will include a map of the site specific art installations, essentially creating a walking tour of the city in which each alley and intersection is activated by the narratives and memories of the people who inhabit them. It’s a piece of the community that you can keep, always." Quoted from: 


  1. Lovely framed finish -- glad the framer could handle the small margins. Love seeing the farmer's market too. Interesting about that box!

  2. i love your finish so much..
    love seeing the farmer market pictures..
    hugs for you x

  3. Love the frame you chose. It turned out really cute. Happy weekend!

  4. So cute and made me smile. wish I could been with you at the farmer's market, made me hungry looking at all the yummy produce

  5. Hello,
    I was wondering if you could help me; I found a cross-stitched Christmas tree on Pinterest recently, but the pin lead to a dead link. A google search led me to your blog, and I found a pic of the tree from a post you did back in May. You mentioned the original design having two white birds at the base and that you received it from your aunt, perhaps? Is there any way you could tell me where you got the design, or where I could find it now?
    Thank you,

  6. It looks just lovely all framed up!!

    Wish they had still had great stuff like that at the farmers market here. *pout*
    (I did get some nice potatoes and corn though on Saturday.)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.