Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wildlife Weekend - Part One

For most of the past week, this small hawk has made a daily "Flight of Terror" near my bird-feeders.  I keep telling myself that raptors are just predators like Bobcats - everyone eats to live.

But it is easier to have compassion for prey than predators I think.

This fawn has studied under her mother and is learning to stand on her hind legs and empty my bird-feeders.

Though Mama Deer no longer nurses, she still grooms with a loving touch.

Earlier this week they had a face-off contest with Padma-Cat.  They got within a couple of feet of Padma (curiosity!) and he did not back away.  Finally the doe gave ground and slowly wandered away.


  1. Beautiful photos, Beth! I love the doe eating from the feeder, too cute!

  2. The fawn eating from the feeder made me smile. I know what you mean about prey and predators, I can't watch nature programmes for that reason.

  3. I could watch wildlife all day long! Love the pics of the deer.


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