Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Full Moon

I'm ready for a great weekend.
And a hot one - it's supposed to get to 98F today.

Everyone else appears to be ready too.

This bunny has become a 'regular' each morning.

Earlier this week a small skein of geese flew overhead.

And oh the full moon Wednesday night!  It was glorious sight as it rose up in the east.

I got up early enough Thursday morning to watch it set in the west.

Padma wonders - Can you touch your nose with your tongue?  If not, perhaps you could practice this weekend and get back to him with your progress.


  1. I love to watch the geese flying overhead and wonder where they are headed. Lovely full moon photos.

  2. Beth, the moon pictures are just beautiful!!

  3. Glorious pictures, Beth. I loved the bunny, and of course the cat--he looks like a character! Hope you enjoyed yesterday--it was warm and lovely here, too!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.