Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday Finishes & Midweek Market

I got the buttons, charms, and floss to really, really, really finish up these three stitches.

Charm added and final 'e' stitched.

Charm added

White star buttons added


In the summer our local farmers' market is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

I finally made it to the smaller Tuesday market this week.
The market is centered around a pretty fountain on a park block with lots of benches for seating.

Strawberries, peas, and tomatoes...


Blueberries and bBlackberries...


A bouquet of cabbages!

Do you sense a theme here?
I must go back for lunch - there is a vendor offering "Alabama Chicken and Dumplings"!  Yumm!


  1. Love the additions. How will you "finish" finsh them? Love the market pics.

  2. i like all americana. they look great. the food at the market looks amazing. dumplings sound great.

  3. I want some of those chicken and dumplings. lol! Great finishes! Love the market pics -- great color!

  4. I love all your patriotic stitches!!The one with the red building reminds me of an old red schoolhouse. That market looks wonderful!!I'm hoping for some tomatoes at our market tomorrow.

  5. I sure wish I lived close to your farmers market!

    Your finishes look great. What do you finish them as now that you have all the stitching and embellishments done?

  6. The sunflower is soooo pretty.


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