Sunday, August 5, 2012

Oh Deer!

I am looking forward to a cooler day today.  Yesterday topped out at 101F.
We are fortunate that it cools off in the evening, and our low during the night was 60f.  Today is to be a more moderate 88F.

The other morning the cats were all agog...

...but not at a bird or bunny as you might expect.

Instead they were focused on Mama Deer...

...and her most curious little fawn.

The fawn thought the cats might be worthy of a closer look...

...but then she became cautious (much to the cats' relief) and returned to the safety of her Mama.


  1. The young fawn is so beautiful, they are such gentle looking creatures.

  2. What a precocious little fawn! And gorgeous kitties :)

  3. Nice pictures of the cats and the deer. Awesome! Keep up the good work.


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