Monday, August 20, 2012

Stars and Jays

Design - "S Is For Stars"
Designer - SamSarah Design Studio
Fabric - 28 count
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started- 11 August 2012
Completed - 12 August 2012

No one in the Bird Kingdom can beat a Steller's Jay for noise. 

One bird can create a cacophony all by itself.  

Never mind the discord of a group of 'em!

They have a wide range of calls, and shrieks, and squawks, and other noises.

They are also great mimics, and can sound like crows and hawks.
This guy was on top of the peanut feeder and did not want anyone else around while he gorged.


  1. Love the star piece on that gridded linen -very cool! And those stellar jays are fascinating to me. Our local blue jays seem low key in comparison. Have a great week!

  2. Aww such a sweet birdie and cute stitching xxx

  3. Love your star finish! And blue jays -- ack! They are sooooo noisy!! Nice pics though. lol!

  4. The wide open beak says it all. You made me smile at the end of a long day - thanks Beth.

  5. I've never seen a Steller's Jay--what a handsome guy (even if he is a bit on the noisy side!)...

    Lovely star colors, too, Beth, and I loved the shot of your mom with her stitching companions in your last post--too cute!!

  6. I think I can read that Jay's *beak*, lol.

    Great pics!

  7. I love that star stitch and the pictures of the Jays are amazing.

  8. Beautiful stitching. Love it.
    That's one beautiful fierce bird. Loving that one too

  9. He has so much to say. We have blue jays here. I don't see them that often but I can always hear them. We had a lot more jays when I lived in PA and CT.

  10. These are excellent pictures, Beth--how did you get them? You must have had your camera ready to go and waiting when the jay swooped in! It's tough to get a good bird picture, but you've captured this little guy magnificently.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.