Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy as a Lark Stitching and Gardening

Design - "Happy as a Lark"
Designer - Birds of a Feather
Fabric - 28 count R & R Liberty Gathering Gray
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 15 August 2012
Completed - 17 August 2012

This was so much fun!  One cautionary note should you stitch it.  The graph calls for the lark to be stitched with GAST Sable and Cherry Wine.  Cherry Wine is the color used to stitch the sentiment.  I decided looking at the photo that Cherry Bark was the proper color to use with Sable.  Cherry Bark is also used for the two small straight lines.  I think I made the right decision.

And here it is Tuesday Garden Party Time once again.
It's easy to become tired of gardening by the time August ends.  But as lots of plants are just now coming into their own, that usually works to revitalize me and renew my enthusiasm.  Let me show you some of my Late August Stars. 

This is my favorite Rudbeckia - It is Rudbeckia triloba.  I like it as it is more open and airy than most Rudbeckias.  If you look closely you can see the deer have been munching on it - even with that, it still has delivered lots of long lasting blooms. 

This Salvia guanajuanto is in its second year.  I have it in a large, bright blue pot.  It has been in bloom since June, but has really come on strong now.

I'm pretty pleased with my Big Green Containers.  The four each have a dwarf conifer or tree to anchor them, and give them winter interest.  But now the fuchsias, salvias, verbena, and agastaches are the stars.

I don't remember my asters blooming this early in past years.

Sometimes the smallest of vignettes is pleasing - I am instantly soothed when I gaze upon this small mossy pot.

This flowerbed is full of salvias, echinaceas, agastache, and penstemons.  There is the constant buzz of Hummingbirds at work here.  

This Digitalis Honey Trumpet has been in bloom since early spring.  What a non-stop performer.

This is Rudbeckia missouriensis.  I bought a couple of plants last year, and this is the first year they've bloomed.

As my sister is President of the Lane County Dahlia Society, how can I not mention another Late Summer Star - Dahlias!  This is Sean C.
I hope you found something to inspire you and re-engage your interest in gardening.


  1. very pretty. The pictures of the flowers are beautiful. so pretty.

  2. I love your Happy as a Lark! Pretty flowers too!

  3. I love seeing all the beautiful cross stitch projects you create! I used to do cross stitch, but my eyes just can't handle it anymore...so I live vicariously through your blog :)

    The flowers are gorgeous, thanks for sharing!

    I saw your post on The Garden Party, although I already follow you. Happy stitching!

  4. Beautiful Dahlias!!! I did not grow many flowers this year due to many reasons. I love looking at all of yours!!!

    Take care,

  5. Beautiful stitching and lovely garden xxx

  6. Bonnie flowers and inspiring stitching - good combination.

  7. Glorious flowers, Beth--I love your sunny rudbeckia, and that last dahlia--wow! I've never seen one like that before--gorgeous! And that wonderful pot of moss is just beautiful as well.

  8. Beth,

    Thanks for coming by. I love your garden offerings this week, especially your pots and the yellow foxglove. I have many of the native ones that I salvaged, but none cultivated. Mine are long since gone. I love seeing that yours is still going.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  9. I love your moss-in-a-pot. I also find moss very soothing. It takes its time and doesn't worry about much, eh?

  10. A cute ornament and amazing flowers!!

  11. I was admiring a rudbeckia in a neighbor's yard over the weekend. Now, after seeing yours, I'm pretty certain I need to add some to my yard. Such pretty photos.

  12. Oh..I LOVE your happy as a lark. What a cute design.
    Pretty flowers too. :)

  13. That Dahlia is amazing!!
    Lovely pics.

  14. Lovely flowers - and moss! I'm a big fan of moss. :)
    I think you made the right choice with the color change. That other color would have made for a very pink bird. Very cute as is!

  15. I think you made the right decision too! Nice.

  16. Adorable finish!! Love the garden pics too! :)


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