Sunday, August 19, 2012

Stitch the Day Away

My Mom had three stitching companions the other evening.

She's been working on Heart in Hand's "Monthly Musings - July".
Now that the weather is cooler, I think today would be a good day to sit outside and stitch and read.

There's still plenty to see - like the Gold Finches in the Thistle.

The Gold Finch babies have fledged.  On the right, this little one was chirped something fierce and flapped her wings non-stop.  She begged and pleaded with the yellow fellow on the left to feed her.  He pretty much ignored her - figuring that she was big enough to feed herself. 

Here's a trio of young ones pleading with Dad to feed them.

The Hummingbirds are active too.

No matter how many plants I have in bloom and feeders I put out , there are battles over territory.  

Here's one keeping watch over a nectar feeder.  

Tom-Cat enjoys keeping watch too!


  1. I love the pic of your mom with the cats -- so cute! Great pics of the birds too. Those fledglings better get used to being independent. lol!

  2. The three companions sitting with your mum look so content and happy to be there. The hummingbird looks like a little statue sitting there.

  3. Love seeing your Mom with her 'guardians'. :)
    (Though one of them seems to have fallen asleep on the job. AHEM.)

  4. aww beautiful picture of your mom with cats..
    sweet stitching project..
    beautiful birds.
    hugs for you xxx

  5. I love the pictures of the birds and your mum!

  6. awww that's a lovely picture of your mum with the cats :) and gorgeous shot of the humming bird too :)
    hope you are well and enjoying all the stitching you are doing :)
    love mouse xxxx

  7. Great photos ! Love the little yellow finches !

  8. Such a super picture of your Mom with the cats and thank goodness for our cool weather coming back!!!!

  9. So nice to see your mom stitching outside with the cats all around her! I really enjoy stitching outside when the weather is right.

    Lovely pics!


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