Thursday, August 2, 2012

Walking on Thursday

Design - "Happy Independence Day"
Designer - Bent Creek
Fabric - 32 coun Natural linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 30 July 2012
Completed - 1 August 2012

And so the August Hodgepodge beings with another Patriotic Stitch.  I'm obviously addicted to red, white, and blue!

Oh, but we have had lovely day after lovely day after lovely day.
It's another perfect day to be outside.

Just plain old ordinary Teasel.  But upon close examination, isn't it a thing of beauty? I am struck by the symmetry of the form.

This member of the Bachelor Button family is called Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea biebersteinii).  It's considered a common invasive weed.  But oh, do the bees love it!

By early August the wild Dogwood have set their fruit... 

...and the Ash tree leaves have begun to turn.

There's pretty color provided by the Ocean Spray shrubs...

...while the Sword Ferns stand straight and green and true.

The Salal is in bloom... is this pretty little wildflower.  I looked through my books and online and cannot find a match for it.

I found an entire bank covered with pink and white Perennial Sweet peas (Lathyrus latifolius).

And here's another 'new' wildflower.  This is Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea).  It's often used as a cut flower in dried bouquets.

Huckleberries!  I found a small Huckleberry bush high up on a bank along side the road.

I think some of the prettiest berries are those of the False Solomon's Seal. 

There were lots of hints of Autumn along the walk today.  Here's another - the 'helicopter' seeds of the Big Leaf Maple.


  1. Adorable finish! I've been seeing signs of autumn for weeks now - glad I'm not the only one.

  2. It's really quite a thought that signs of autumn are showing already. The teasel photo is just perfect.

  3. It is the details that are the most amazing thing about natures creations. The "symmetry of form", most definitely worth the time to stop and examine. Hopefully to awe and inspire the imagination. I very pretty stitching too. I like your patriotic pieces very much.

  4. So many of your pictures are new to me, such as the Teasel. Besides having a cool name, the plant is exquisite! Hey--we get helicopters in the spring from our maple tree in our front yard! At last--something I knew!! Hugs!

  5. Beth,

    Thanks for the lovely pictures. Some real beauties.

  6. Hahaha! That's great that you are still going with the red/white/blue theme. Love 'em all! :)

    Great flower pics!!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.