Monday, June 18, 2012

The Market in June

Next up - SamSarah Design Studio's "Summer Bee Sampler".  I've got the gingham linen, I've got the GAST Shaker colors, I've got the chenille, and the buttons.  This should be fun!

My sister and I visited Paris, France the Eugene Farmers' Market late Saturday morning.  The accordion player was playing the soundtrack from the Left Bank and I bought goodies from a French Patisserie - I might as well have been in Paris!

Lots of fresh strawberries available this week... well as lovely, healthy basil plants.

The first of the cherries...

...and an interesting variety of garlic.

One of my most favorite summer treats...

sweet onions and...

sweet peas!

These young carrots are almost too pretty to eat.

It being Eugene, Oregon - of course we had a "Monkey Bike" at the Market.

Mmmm, mmmm, good!


  1. Glad you had a nice weekend Beth. I like the new summer bee sampler you are going to stitch. :)

  2. Oh how I wish our farmers market looked like that,,looks like a wonderful time spent..

  3. Those chenile flowers look so cute. You'll have to let me know how they were to stitch.

    Those cherries are my downfall this time of year! They are just like candy to me. Mmmm...and that basil too. I just love this time of year!

  4. I love your next project. The market looks wonderful! Lovely pics!

  5. Looks like fun. I think you really have some nice places out there.

    We had some rain yesterday and about an hour's worth today. I am grateful!

    Have a great week.


  6. Your market looked great. It was so cold and rainy here on Sat. morning, that our market was less than usual.

  7. The new project looks like a lot of fun with the spiderweb roses done in chenille. I'm so jealous of your farmers market. Wonderful produce, entertainment, and yummy pastries!

  8. Can't wait to see your progress on your new project.

    The market looks like such fun. I wish we had farmer's markets like that here.

  9. What a wonderful market - a feast for the eye and the tummy! Love that Samsarah piece. I've never seen that one before but it is gorgeous.

  10. Definitely a feast for the eyes!!!!! Love it. :)
    I got my first big bag of Rainier cherries this weekend: NOM NOM NOM. It can be hard to find them in the Northeast so I scoop them up whenever I can. (I like them much better than Bings.)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.