Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Critter Report

Saturday was HOT - at least by Oregon standards - 86F.  

The Long Hairs sought shade.

The deer came by in the cool of the morning.

The Chipmunk Breakfast Club had three members...#1


...and #3.

The Quarry Pond had one turtle basking...

...and numerous Bullfrog Tadpoles.  They are huge and you can see their back legs developing.

I know we have raccoons, but I do not often see them.  I can add them to my long list of Sunflower Seed Eaters.   

If today is to be a Hot One, I hope you are able to relax in the shade with family and friends. 


  1. It looks so peaceful and relaxing there - just give me a glass of home-made lemonade and I could quite happily put my feet up - breathe in the fresh air and relax outside with those georgeous pussy cats and watch nature do what it does naturally - all around me -

  2. Puss cats do look rather hot, we're still on the extreme cool side in Scotland.

  3. Oh the heat can go away! Nothing over 75 please. Your kitties look rather relaxed. I notice there wasn't a photo of them chasing the chipmunks. lol

  4. Yikes--86! We had one day of warmish weather and we're back down to cool. On Thursday, I had to laugh at seeing women grocery shopping while wearing wool coats!

    Loved your bird post. When I first saw the post title and the picture of the cat, I thought--oh no, it's birds he's eaten! LOL Glad that isn't the case. ;)

  5. So many cute little creatures!! That includes the cats!!


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