Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Six Hens in the Coop

Design - "The Chicken Sampler"
Designer - The Stitching Shed
Fabric - 28 count Antique White
Fibers - Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 May 2012
Completed - 16 June 2012

I'm finished - I know have six colorful chickens in my coop.  This is such a bright and cheery piece.  It would be easy to personalize by changing the colors to suit the stitcher's taste.

Speaking of chickens...
It's Tuesday - Time for a Garden Party at an Oregon Cottage.

How about a garden with hens?
Meet Grace, Alice, and Lily.  They have the run of the the garden.

The garden has several wonderful trees including this lovely variegated Dogwood. 

Part of the garden is a shaded woodland with ferns, hostas, rhododendrons, and the like.

This Stewartia was just about ready to come into bloom - when it does - oh the smell!

This fountain is not only pretty, but also attracts birds to the garden with the soft sound of running water.

Some gardeners are flat out artists!  Such an eye for color, form, texture, and composition. 

Another view...

And look at this - the twin tree demarcate the stairs, and serve to lead your eyes upwawrd to the chartreuse and burgundy plantings in the background.  Fabulous vertical structure!  

Less is more!  A perfect vignette.

Ruby Tuesday says that she rules the garden - not those pesky chickens!

And the best thing of all...?  This super gardener shared - I got some baby Podophyllums!


  1. What a garden! I'm jealous of your chickens, too. :)
    Mrs. Petrie @ casapetrie.com

  2. What a nice combination! Cute chickens and a beautiful garden! Ooo I almost forgot one cute and handsome cat! Your bee sampler is indeed bee-autiful!

  3. Why do I find hens so hard to resist? I do like your chicken stitch, it's a very neat design. Ruby Tuesday - lovely name for a bonnie cat.

  4. Really cute finish and loved the garden pics (and the chickens - so fun!).

  5. Cute chicks...stitched and otherwise.

    Beautiful garden photos. You do hang out in neat places!


  6. What a lovely garden--the vertical trees as accents, as well as all the wonderful color and plant shapes really make it outstanding! Love the chickens, cross-stitched and live, and the reclining cat.

  7. Adorables. Beau travail.

    Annick ;0)

  8. Love the Chicken Stitch...It's so cute! I agree with you on the artistic gardeners...and they can take such a simple thing and place it in such a simple way and it becomes fantastic! Enchanting. LOL Our neighbors chickens have made our yard their playground. There are about 20 of them running around outside.

  9. I do love those chickens,what a bright cheerful stitch! Your pictures have given me an idea. I have to change out a window box, I think I'll use one type of flower!

  10. Such lucky girls to have such a beautiful place to hunt and peck!

    Your cross-stitching is just as pretty as your chickies.

    I'm a new follower--love your blog!


  11. Such a cute finish! What a gorgeous garden and so nice that you came home with some new plants.

  12. oooo we have chickens like yours :)
    well done on your chicken finish :)
    love your garden shots and new plants too and your new piece with that blue gingham is fab :)
    love mouse xxxxx
    just catching up ...lol

  13. Love the chickens. You're right so bright and cheery.

  14. Very cute chickens!!!! I love the colors in this piece.

  15. Oh, one day I hope to have a gorgeous fountain like that one. Sigh. :-)

    Thanks, as always, for your sweet posts linked to the TGP!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.